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Charities To Donate To During The COVID-19 Quarantine

Charities To Donate To During The COVID-19 Quarantine

The past few months have been tough. It has been difficult for everyone to power through this pandemic that is sweeping across the nation. Many people are taking shelter in their homes while others are working late nights and overtime to provide for those who are sick and sheltering in their homes. Children are being homeschooled, parents are working from home, and social distancing has become harder to manage with family and friends. Six feet apart can sometimes feel another world away. At times it is, and we are. The reality is we do not know when this pandemic will end or when we will see our loved ones, family, and friends again. We do not know when our next drive down the coast will be, or when we can travel to another country. The fact is, we do not know when our normal will return. However, despite this current tragedy, people are fighting this pandemic, on the front lines. Doctors, nurses, CNAs, EMTs, grocery store employees, janitors, truck drivers, delivery men, and women. The list can go on. These people are fighting, working nights, and days to help those in need and provide services to those who cannot leave their homes.

Listed below, are just a handful of the companies, organizations, and non-profits that are chipping in and doing their part to help both those working on the front lines and being on the front lines. If you would like to donate or are looking to donate directly to charities helping to fight COVID-19 and the relief, here is a list of some to consider charities to donate to.

1. Feeding America

One of the charities to donate to during COVID-19 is Feeding America. Based in Chicago, Illinois, Feeding America is a non-profit organization that is a nationwide network that feeds over 46 million people through food pantries, shelters, soup kitchens, and other community-based agencies. Since the spread of this pandemic, Feeding America has orchestrated a response fun to help feed those in need, across the country, via food banks.


2. Oxfam America

Another charity to donate to during this pandemic is Oxfam America. Oxfam America is a global charitable organization that is in coalition with 19 other independent altruistic organizations. The primary mission of the organization is to help end the injustice of poverty, across the globe. They do everything from helping people create better futures for themselves, holding the government accountable, to saving lives when disasters strike. When news spread of the coronavirus, Oxfam America started organizing efforts to enhance its delivery system of clean water and sanitary supplies to those living in environments that are at a higher risk of the disease.

3. The World Health Organization

You have probably heard of this particular organization from the “One World: Together At Home” global performance special. The event was aired on April 18, 2020, celebrating healthcare workers, grocery store employees, mailmen, truck drivers, and other workers who are consistently working and fighting for those of us who cannot. The organization, itself, is a specialized agency in the United Nations that is responsible for international public health. During the spread of the coronavirus, The World Health Organization has and is coordinating efforts across the globe to respond to existing cases as well as prevent the spread of coronavirus from continuing.


4. Samaritan’s Purse

Among the other charities to donate to during the nation’s pandemic is Samaritan’s Purse. Samaritan’s Purse is an international, nondenominational Christian disaster relief organization that helps those in physical need. Since the spike of coronavirus and hospitals not having enough beds and rooms for their patients, Samaritan’s Purse has opened an emergency field hospital in New York’s Central Park. There, the organization is treating coronavirus patients while also operating a respiratory care unit in Italy, where almost 200,000 cases of coronavirus are resting.

5. Doctors Without Borders

A third charity to donate to during the coronavirus pandemic is Doctors Without Borders. Doctors Without Borders, or Médecins Sans Frontières, is an international altruistic medical organization that provides independent medical aid to those affected by war, disease, and natural or man-made disasters. Since the sprung of the coronavirus, Doctors Without Borders is sending aid to countries that have been affected and hit the hardest by COVID-19. They are working to strengthen the controls of the infection as well as in their already established programs. Doctors Without Borders is doing a thing this while continuing their conduction of aiding the other 70+ countries that they consistently assist.


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6. Direct Relief

Amid the charities to donate to during the spread and pandemic of COVID-19 is Direct Relief. Now, Direct Relief is unlike any of the other charities I have already listed. It is a nonprofit organization whose primary mission is to “improve the health and lives of people affected by poverty or emergencies – without regard to politics, religion, or ability to pay.” Since coronavirus’ sprung, Direct Relief has been working in overdrive to provide healthcare workers and facilities, across the United States, with protective equipment (masks, gloves, and PPE gear) and critical care medications to as many health workers as possible. They are also working alongside public health authorities, and other nonprofit organizations, to implement protective equipment to the health care workers that are responding to the coronavirus (EMTs, Paramedics, Fire, and Police Department).


7. International Rescue Committee

The last of the charities to donate to during COVID-19 is the International Rescue Committee. The International Rescue Committee is another altruistic organization that responds to the world’s most horrific disasters. The IRC’s primary mission is to help those whose lives have been affected or shattered by conflict or disaster. To help these people get back on their feet, recover, and gain control of their future, the IRC provides shelter, clean water, education, and empowerment support to the people most affected. In well over 40 countries, the IRC has been working around the clock to help treat and prevent more coronavirus cases from spiking.

So, if you find yourself not necessarily requiring the stimulus check to help you get through COVID-19, or you find yourself having some extra money in your bank account, consider donating it to any of the charities listed above. You may not need the money or personally be affected by the pandemic, but others do and are.


Of all the charities to donate to, listed above, which one sounds more appealing to you? Let us know in the comments below.

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