10 Things To Always Have In Your Backpack In College

There’s nothing better than realizing that you’re prepared and have that thing you need in your backpack. To help you kick butt this semester, I’ve put together a list of 10 things to always have in your backpack in college to be prepared for your day to day life.
1. A Good Lip Balm
Without fail, you’ll get halfway through a lecture and find yourself distracted by how badly you need to apply lip balm. If you tend to wear lipstick, you’re probably covered, but it’s still good to have a lip balm in your bag for days when you don’t. This is a must have in your backpack in college, particularly in the colder months.
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2. A Travel Deodorant
Let’s face it, we all forget to put on deodorant every once in a while. And sometimes we get halfway through the day and realize our deodorant isn’t working as well as it should be. A travel deodorant doesn’t take up too much room in your backpack and will save your butt multiple times.
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3. An Extra Hair Tie
This is pretty self explanatory. Every girl’s been out and about and realized they needed a hair tie and not had one. At the start of the semester, through a few hair ties into a pocket in your backpack. You’ll thank yourself later!
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4. Feminine Hygiene Products
Again, we’ve all been there: our period hits us when we’re out and about and we realize we’re woefully unprepared. Put one or two of whatever product you prefer in a pocket in your backpack just in case. Plus, if you have them on you, you can build up your karma and help out a woman who needs one!
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This kit is meant for your first period but even the Etsy listing suggests it can be used for periods after that. This has pockets for literally everything you could need so you can stay organized and keep everything in its place.
5. A Couple Of Band Aids
Being a college student is dangerous. There’s a high risk of you getting a paper cut at any given time. Or blisters from your shoes. Really, though, it’s always good to have a few bandaids on you in case you do get blisters or a paper cut, or something else happens. This will save you a trip to your school nurse if you have one, or the suffering of trying to walk back to your dorm with your shoes rubbing your blisters.
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6. A Stash Of Pain Killers
There’s nothing worse than getting a headache in the middle of class, or your period cramps suddenly taking over you. Or maybe you had a little too much fun the night before and you were late to class and didn’t have time to take a pain killer. Either way, it’s always good to have either a travel sized bottle of a pain killer or a small container with a few pills in your backpack in college. You never know when you’ll need them.
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This is a great way to keep pain killers on you! Put a few in one of these cases and carry put it on your keys and you’ll never be without some pain killers.
7. A Little Bit Of Cash For Emergencies (Or Vending Machines)
I learned the hard way that you always, always, always want to have cash on you. If you rely on public transportation, this is especially true. You never want to be caught in a situation where you need to pay for something but they don’t take card. Plus, sometimes vending machines only take cash, so it pays to have a few dollar bills tucked away in your backpack for a rainy day.
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Keep your cash in a wallet like this so it’s not getting lost in your backpack or smashed under your books.
8. A Pair Of Headphones So You Can Tune Everyone Out
It’s always good to have a pair of headphones in your backpack. I actually have an extra pair in a pocket in my backpack just in case I forget mine or someone needs some. If you use blue tooth headphones, this is especially true for you. This is one thing you should keep in your backpack in college if only because it’ll help you make friends.
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Not only are these earbuds super cute, they’re also really nice quality. But yeah, they’re pretty enviable.
9. A Portable Charger For Your Phone
There’s nothing worse than getting stuck on campus with a dead phone and having time to kill before class, especially when you don’t have your computer with you. Phone chargers are pretty cheap, so I’d recommend getting an extra one and keeping it in your backpack for emergencies. But even better: get a portable charger! Then you won’t even have to worry about finding an outlet! Again: this is something that’s sure to help you make friends!
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This is really great because you don’t even need a charger with this portable charger! Simply plug it into your phone and watch it charge!
10. An Umbrella So You Don’t Get Caught In The Rain
If you have room, this is something smart to have in your backpack in college. Getting caught in the rain with expensive textbooks and your backpack in a maybe waterproof backpack is definitely ideal, especially if you took the time to do your hair and/or makeup that day. You can find pretty small umbrellas that won’t take up too much space- you could even just tuck it into the water bottle pocket on the side!
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This smaller travel umbrella is perfect to keep in your backpack because it’s small but big enough when open to keep you dry. Clear umbrellas got really popular a few summers ago but they’re still really on trend. Plus, this one has pink piping!