Everything You Need To Prepare For On Your Graduation Day

Graduation Day can creep up on you before you’ve even had the chance to think about it. Three years worth of overnighters in the library and plenty more nights out have come to an end and it’s finally time to start the next chapter in your life.
You’ve probably already got a lot on your mind so to help you out, here’s a list of everything you need to prepare for on your Graduation Day.
Invite your friends and family
As soon as you know the date of your Graduation ceremony, the first thing you need to do is to let your friends and family know. Colleges often reserve a couple of tickets per student but you might be able to bag some extra tickets for your friends if you get in there early.
Order your cap and gown
What student doesn’t want that life moment when they get to chuck their graduation cap in the air? Well, most colleges require you to order your cap and gown for the ceremony so it’s important to not leave it until the last minute or you might miss out.
Your college will usually be able to help you out with ordering these and don’t forget, renting is always a good idea as new caps and gowns can be pretty expensive.
Make sure you’ve returned all of your library books
Graduation Day is the time for you to say goodbye to your college life once and for all so be sure to organise things before you leave. Library books are one thing that students always forget so get organised and return any books that you might have out before graduation day to avoid heavy fines and additional trips back to college once you’ve left.
Choose your outfit
If there was ever an excuse to go clothes shopping, it’s graduation day. Even if you are wearing a gown, you’ll inevitably end up taking it off at some point during the ceremony, or at least after, so you want something nice to wear for the pictures.
Prepare for lot’s of photos
Prepare for sore cheeks, graduation day is going to require you to do a lot of smiling. Photos receiving your diploma, with your besties and your teachers: don’t worry you can spend the entire next day in bed watching Netflix, we promise.
Expect those ‘what are you doing next?’ questions
Graduation Day is always going to bring up the inevitable ‘what are you doing next?’ questions. Be it from family members, teachers or classmates, it pays to have an answer ready so you don’t get caught out. In truth, most graduates don’t have a clue what their plans are straight away but having an answer ready like, looking for a job or travelling for a while might make things easier.
Organise your college work
If you don’t organise your college work into folders and sort through all the rubbish before you graduate, I guarantee that it will stay in a messy heap on you floor months after summer. It’s best to organise your college work while you’re still in the studying mindset. Then you can relax after Graduation Day, knowing that things are somewhat in order.
Line up an Internship
An internship in an area that you have studied or are interested in, is something that’s great to have lined up for after Graduation Day. Internships are the perfect stepping stone between college life and work and having some practical work experience alongside your degree will really boost your CV.
Loads of companies advertise internship opportunities online that are specifically aimed at graduates so start checking as early as spring to secure the best ones.
Plan your after party
We all know that the best part of Graduation Day is the after party. Whatever you decide to do be it an intimate gathering or a big night out, be sure to put some thought into it and prepare for one of the best nights of your life.