Northern Illinois University

The Ultimate Guide To Eating At NIU

One of my favorite things about attending a university and living on a college campus…

10 Cute Date Ideas To Do Around NIU

College is a place you’re bound to meet tons of new people. And if you…

How To Not Overpack For College

Congratulations prospective collegiate! You’ve made it to college and you’re on your way to living…

What You Should And Shouldn’t Bring To NIU

College is, hands down, one of the most fun and memorable experiences you’ll have in…

10 Things I Wish I Knew Before Freshman Year At NIU

Congratulations, collegiate! You’ve made it through those awkward four years of high school, and you’re about…

How to Make the Most out of Freshman Orientation

Hello fellow collegiate! First off, congrats on making it here to college! Brace yourself: you’re…

20 Reasons Northern Illinois University Is The Greatest School On Earth

I’m currently in my fourth year (out of 5 heaven help me,) at NIU and…

20 Questions Men Have For Women: Answered

There are many gray areas between men and women that neither understand but always wonder.…