The Best Young Adult Books To Cozy Up With This Autumn

Ahh autumn, the time of oversize sweaters, hot coffee and snuggling up to a good book because it’s cold outside. So light a candle, make yourself a pot of coffee, get yourself a cosy blanket and pick up the best young adult books to get you through autumn.
1. Everything Everything – Nicola Yoon
You might know this book because of the movie, but if you’re a true book worm then you know the books are 100x better than the movie. If you haven’t heard about this then this book is about a girl who cannot leave her house because of a rare disease she has and a cute boy who moves next door and makes her want to leave her house more than ever. This sounds like a tragedy but it’s actually a very well written book which will have you laughing and warm your heart at the same time. This is definitely one of the best young adult books!
2. The Short Second Life Of Bree Tanner – Stephenie Meyer
This book is a tragedy because you know little Bree is killed before you even read the book. This is a Twilight Eclipse novella about a little girl who is a newborn vampire caught up in Victoria’s revenge plot, the story gives us an insight into what the newborn’s went through, in particular this 15 year old girl who didn’t want anything to do with it and payed with her life. I swear it took me a week to recover from this book because all you want is for her to live but you know she doesn’t from the Eclipse book, it is a quick read but definitely worth buying.
3. An Abundance Of Katherines – John Green
John Green is one of my favorite authors because of how well written his books are, all of them make you feel like you want to stay a teenager forever, and he is absolutely hilarious. This book is a perfect example, it’s about a boy who can’t find his purpose in life, he’s super smart and is trying to be a genius, but for some weird reason he has only ever been out with girls called Katherine. He and his best friend decide to take a road trip to gain perspective. This is a book about friendship, math and a touch of romance, also no one dies in this book so you won’t cry.
4. Looking For Alaska – John Green
Yes another John Green book, this has to be my favorite one. Looking For Alaska is a book about a boy who moves to boarding school, the life he has there, his new friends and going from an ordinary high school kid to a grown up. Before I say anything else, this is not a romance, it may seem like one even as you read it but it’s more about friendship and growing up. This is a must read for autumn and is perfect to snuggle up to, maybe keep a box of tissues around too. This is one of the best young adult books for autumn!
5. The Last Song – Nicholas Sparks
You may have watched the movie staring Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth (this is actually where they fell in love in real life), but like I said before, the movies aren’t half as good as the books and this one is no exception, if you loved the movie then you will love the book 10x better. This is a story about a girl who spends her holiday at her dads house even though she hated him, she meets a boy and reconnects with her dad. Nicholas Sparks is an amazing romance novelist who wrote other great books like the best of me and the choice all of which will make you well up, you must buy these because they’re perfect to cosy up to this autumn.
6. The Shock Of The Fall
If hopeless romance isn’t your cup of tea then The Shock Of The Fall is a great book you can read this autumn, I promise there’s no romance. Instead it’s a book about a boy who lost his brother at a young age and how he dealt with it even years after his brother passed. I know it sounds depressing and it kind of is at times but for the most part it’s funny and moving, you’re going to love it no matter what kind of books you’re into.
7. The Time Traveler’s Wife
This is a famous book but it has to go on this list because it’s a great book about a woman who falls in love with a time traveler, he never knows when he will time travel, where he’ll end up or what will happen to him. It’s a story of how the two of them are trying to lead a normal life but with the husband’s condition things get tricky. The Time Traveler’s Wife is a moving book which is a classic romance with a touch of science fiction, the best kind of book for autumn.
8. If I Go
If I Go is another book turned movie but the book goes more into detail on how she felt during her coma more than what can be put on a screen. This is a book about a girl who loses her dad, mum and brother in a car accident, she has to decide if she wants to wake up from her coma or not. It will probably make you cry but you will not be able to put it down. SPOILER ALERT: when you finish If I Go you have to read the squeal Where She Went which is about her life three years after the accident. This is one of the best young adult books!
What do you think are the best young adult books? Let us know in the comments!
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