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Reasons Why Your Significant Other Won’t Go Down On You

Reasons Why Your Significant Other Won’t Go Down On You

If oral sex is totally missing from your relationship, check out this list of reasons why your significant other won't go down on you.

Sex is an important in any romantic relationship. Some couples break up due to having an unsatisfying physical connection in their relationship. Everyone deserves to be pleasured by their partner. Guys love recieving blow jobs, but some guys may not believe in the idea of doing the same in return. It can really fuck with emotions when you give and not recieve. Both people in the relationship should be satisfied. Oral sex is an intimate action for both parties, not a task. Its 2018, everyone deserves to receive some head. So, if you are not getting any, here are some reasons why your significant other won’t go down on you. 

1. Tongue Action is Trash

Sex is awkward as fuck. People constantly have thoughts wondering if they’re moving correctly or if their partner is actually enjoying it. Your partner might be afraid to put their head between your legs because they’re trash at giving head. I’ve heard stories of girls using teeth while giving a blowjob and guys accidentally biting their girlfriends clitoris. It’s best to teach them how to move their mouth down there. Not only will you be satisfied but they’ll feel confident with their tongue action.

2. Your Partner Is Selfish

Relationships are supposed to be equal. The point of being in a relationship is caring about someone else’s feelings. There are a few people who will push aside their partners wants and needs for their own. If you’re constantly going down on your partner and not receiving. It’s time to give them the same treatment. If you’re constantly giving them orgasms orally, and receiving mediocre head, give them the same type of energy they’re returning the next time you’re between their legs! This could definitely be one of the reasons why your significant other won’t go down on you. 

3. Hygiene and Diet

Oral sex is fun but nasty, it involves tasting someone’s bodily fluids. Depending on your hygiene and diet, your taste and smell could be interesting. Your body parts will always have a certain smell and taste. People claim eating pineapples will make their bodily fluids taste like a fruit salad, that myth is not true. You are what you eat, if you’re eating trashy foods expect to taste like trash. Making a few changes in your diets and hygiene habits will change your smell and taste. Having a healthy mind and body can promote a healthy sex life.

4. They’re Not Ready

Oral sex can be seen as an intimate action for some people. Your partner may feel the need to be in love before taking your sexual relationship to another level. The idea of oral sex being intimate is because your partner is ingesting your bodily fluids. They’re taking the time and effort to pleasure you and give you an orgasm orally.

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5. They Hate Oral Sex

Let’s be real, our genitals look funny. Some people don’t like looking at genitals because they start thinking of objects that look like a vagina or a penis. Imagining objects can lead to lowering their sex drive. Another reason could be because they’ve had terrible experiences giving a blow job or eating pussy. Having bad oral sex experiences will stop them from giving you head. Help them gain confidence to work that tongue between your legs. Don’t try to make them feel guilty for not giving you head. It’s their mouth not yours. This is possibly one of the reasons why your significant other won’t go down on you. 

If your partner says no to giving you oral, just accept it. If oral sex is important and you’re not receiving any it’s time to reevaluate your relationship. You can either talk to your partner about it or stop wasting your time and end the relationship. We all have ideas of what we want in our sexual relationships. There’s no point to force someone to do something they have no desire to do. Sex is supposed to consensual!

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