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Human Trafficking And Why It’s Still A Pandemic

Human Trafficking And Why It’s Still A Pandemic

When someone mentions Human Trafficking, what comes to mind? It is invisibly happening all around us. Now there are more slaves in the world than ever before. Read on to learn ways you can help. 

When someone mentions human trafficking, what comes to mind? Normally we think of this as a terrible crime that happens in a far-away place, nowhere near us. That is not the case. It is invisibly happening all around us. Today, there are more slaves in the world than ever before. Unlike the slavery 150 years ago, human trafficking is a hidden crime, a shameful fact that is relegated to the shadows and dark corners of society. I believe this is one of the reasons it has reached the level it has today. Although the idea of modern slavery is repugnant to our ideals and values, we do not act because we do not see. We cannot let this hidden crime, this pandemic, continue in our society. We can not turn a blind eye. Read on to learn ways that you can help.

1. Educate ourselves

The Montana Department of Justice states that “Human trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery that subjects children, women, and men to force, fraud, or coercion for the purposes of commercial sexual exploitation or forced labor. This horrific practice can include prostitution, pornography, sex tourism, labor for domestic service, factory or construction work, and migrant farming.”

One of the most important things you can do is to educate yourself. The more you know, the more you know how to inform others. The more people know, the more we can fight back against these horrific crimes. Did you know that human trafficking generates over 150 billion dollars a year?  According to the International Labour Organization, there are an estimated 40.3 million people in modern-day slavery and 24.9 million in forced labor. This is a sickening revelation that must be dealt with. Refer to these websites to learn more: National Human Trafficking Hotline Homeland Security , and Polaris


2. Slavery Footprint

Discover your slavery footprint. Do you know where the food you eat, the clothes you wear, and the products you use every day comes from? There is chance that it may have likely been made, and harvested by the hands of modern day slaves. Ask yourself where is your produce coming from? Who made the dress that you are wearing today? Beneath are some links that will help you discover just how big your slavery footprint is. Made in a Free World is an interesting website that calculates how many slaves it takes to support your lifestyle.

 3. Support

There are a few great companies that help support survivors of human trafficking. Many of the products they sell are made by the very hands of the survivor. It is more valuable to know the product I use was created by someone who is a free person and not a slave. You feel a special connection knowing that it was a labor of love, of free will and not created under threat of violence by a master. Some companies that use non slave labor you can support include: International Sanctuary Ucvrd Jewelry, and Freeset.


4. Spread the word, take action, and donate.

You can take action by sending letters to your local politicians. You can spread the word through social media. By spreading the word online you will be able to reach more people. You can create a group in your community to discuss ideas that will help destroy this problem. Don’t wait and leave it up to somebody else to resolve human trafficking. Be the change you want to see in the world.

Remember this is happening to people all around you. It could happen to someone you know or maybe even you. The criminals that are committing these heinous crimes are not just hiding in dark rooms. These are people that could pass you on street. They come from all levels of society, not just the stereotypical imagination of a kidnapping slaver that we may have in our heads. The Muse, the U.S. Department of StateHope for Justice , and the Messenger International are helping fight back against Human Trafficking. By donating to these causes, you can be part of making a huge difference.

5. Finally.

My dear friend, we must act to prevent the millions of humans beings that are left to suffer the unimaginable. We can’t afford to wait for the next person to act. People hear the call to rise up and fight back injustice with justice. You must not wait. These people need a voice.


We must continue to fight for all of these innocent people, robbed of their free will. You could simply read this article and do nothing or you can act. It does not matter where you work, where you live, or how big or small your social status is. You can make a difference.

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Educate yourself. Support. Spread the word. Donate. I pray that God will give you the strength to stand up and say “Send me!” With Jesus all things are possible. We need to start praying and believing that God can and will give us the strength and the strategy to do what seems like the “impossible”, to end Human Trafficking.


God called on this generation to do great and mighty things. To look into the face of darkness and say “We can abolish you!”  Joshua 1:9 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

God bless.

Share other ways you can make a difference to stop human trafficking in the comments below.
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