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How Often You Should Wash Your Bed Sheets And Towels

How Often You Should Wash Your Bed Sheets And Towels

Here's how often you should wash your bed sheets and towels. Do your laundry weekly and don't skip out. Poor hygiene is unattractive. Wash your sheets!

Listen up men! Now that you’re in college, doing your own laundry is crucial. Don’t be one of those dudes who goes home every week to have your mom wash your clothes for you; that’s absolutely lame. It’s time you become a man and learn how frequently you should be doing your laundry. I’m sure you’ve wondered how often you should wash your bed sheets well, here is a rundown on how often you should wash your bed sheets and towels.

Bath Towels

You should be washing your bath towels every three or four uses. Just because the towel gets wet after you come out of the shower does not classify that encounter as a wash. This doesn’t mean you can hang the towel up to dry and keep reusing it for weeks. Big no-no! Your bath towels begin to stink after a few showers; don’t believe me, go smell for yourself. If you have a physically demanding job, wash them more often, potentially after every use. My hope is that you aren’t sharing towels with friends. That’s fucking nasty.

How Often You Should Wash Your Bed Sheets

You should be washing your bed sheets every week. While some people will tell you every two weeks, bed linens carry a lot of bacteria. You sweat, sneeze, breathe and get down and dirty in the sheets daily so don’t think of skipping out on washing your sheets. You know there is no better smell then fresh bed sheets and having a crisp new pillow case ready to go before you hop in bed. As for pillows, not pillow sheets, and your comforter you should be washing those twice a year. Since they are generally made out of feathers and other synthetic materials, washing them twice a year will keep odors and stains from becoming permanent. Wash your pillowcases weekly! If you don’t believe me, read what happens when you don’t wash your bed sheets! Additionally, women wash their sheets just as much as you do in college.

Let us know what you think about how often you should wash your bed sheets! Drop us a line!!
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