What Exactly Happens During Sorority Recruitment At UMN Twin Cities

Whether you have been waiting for it since you were young, or just decided yesterday to try it, sorority recruitment is an experience like no other. It’s a time filled with dresses, conversation, and gorgeous houses. You get to experience 11 different houses and figure out in the end which house is right for you. Hold on tight because it is quite the ride. Here is exactly what to expect during sorority recruitment at UMN Twin Cities!
Day 1: Information Session
This is when the exciting process of formal recruitment begins. You have already registered for recruitment online (and payed a small fee) and are ready for it to start. On this day you will be split up into groups and meet your Rho Alpha. A Rho Alpha is a girl from one of the chapters that disassociates from her sorority to help you through the process. You will also meet the Panhellenic Council, receive your shirt for open house, and learn more about the schedule.
Day 2: Open House
On this day you will get to visit all 11 formally recruiting sororities on campus. You will spend around 20 minutes talking to girls at each house. As recruitment goes on you will spend more time at each house, but visit fewer houses.
You will be with the same group of girls and Rho Alphas all day. Although you will be provided a small lunch, it is a good idea to bring snacks to have throughout the day as well as plenty of water to stay hydrated. At the end of the day you will talk to your Rho Alpha and rank the houses you visited. Make sure to take notes at each house about what you talked about as well as likes and dislikes, because it will be hard to remember every house at the end of the day.
Day 3: House Tours
At the beginning of the day you will receive your schedule for the day. The most houses you can get asked back to is 8, but many people get asked back to fewer, so don’t be discouraged. From this day on you won’t be with the same girls or Rho Alphas from the first day. You will have to find your own way to the houses, but there will be many people to help direct you. This is a lot of girl’s favorite day because you get to go on a tour of the houses and see all the Pinterest worthy décor.
Day 4: Philanthropy Round
This day you can get asked back to up to 5 houses. You will get to spend more time at each house you visit and learn more about their chapter’s philanthropy (the charity or organization they support) as well as the events they do each year for the cause.
Day 5: Preference Round
You made it to preference round! This is almost the end of recruitment and a beneficial step in the journey. You get to go back to up to two houses and spend at a lot of time at each house. At the end of this day you will make the decision of which house you would prefer to be a part of.
Day 6: Bid Day
The day has finally come, you get to find out which house will now be your home. You get to open your bid day card, and see what house you are in, along with which houses all the Rho Alphas are in. You get to go back to your new home on campus and celebrate with all your new sisters!
Going through recruitment can be a stressful and exhausting time. Girls drop out every day and it is easy to get discouraged, but it is all worth it in the end. If formal recruitment isn’t your thing, a lot of houses also offer informal recruitment. People will tell you to trust the system and it is true. You may not get asked back to your favorite houses, but you will end up in the house you belong in, trust me.
Do you have any other tips for sorority recruitment at UMN Twin Cities?! Share in the comments below!
Featured Image: weheartit