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10 GIFs That Describe What It’s Like To Be A Student At Clemson

10 GIFs That Describe What It’s Like To Be A Student At Clemson

College is an experience like no other, and it can be hard to describe sometimes. These GIFs accurately describe what it's like to be a student at Clemson.

College is full of ups and downs; and it’s absolutely impossible to describe, unless you’ve actually experienced it. But for those of you dying to know what a year at Clemson looks like; here are 10 GIFs that accurately describe what it’s actually like to be a student at Clemson University.

1. When your friends want to do something fun, but you’re broke af.

2. When you get that email that class is cancelled.

3. When you wait to start your final project, that’s 50% of your grade,  until the night before it’s due.

4. When you’re in the middle of the Most Glorious nap of your lifetime and your alarm goes off for class.


Roll Tigers.

6. Tryna get thru finals like…

7. When you try “adulting” for the first time.

8. Walking out of your last exam like…

9. When there’s absolutely nothing else, besides pizza, to eat in CORE dining hall.

10. When you’re trying to act like you’re not hungover in class.

These are 10 of the most accurate GIFs that describe what it’s like to be a student at Clemson. Which one could you relate to? Share in the comments!
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