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5 Reasons Why I Chose To Go To UC Berkeley

5 Reasons Why I Chose To Go To UC Berkeley

5 Reasons Why I Chose To Go To UC Berkeley

There are so many great things about the University California, Berkeley. To start, it’s in one the best states in the country to go to school in! But there are so many other reasons why UC Berkeley is an amazing college and I’m going to share a few of them with you that will hopefully make your decision a lot easier!

1. Free Speech Movement Cafe

The Free Speech Movement Cafe was named after the on-campus protests from 1964-1965 to lift the ban of on-campus political activities. The student protesters worked for their right to free speech and academic freedom. Today, the effects are still in place and we have the Free Speech Movement Cafe to show for it. It’s an awesome place to study, chat with friends, and grab a quick Californian sandwich.



2. “Hell Yeah!” Guy

On any sunny afternoon you can find this nice gentleman enjoying the view of Telegraph Ave and letting out an inspiring “Hell yeah!” for all to hear. He can typically be found between the streets of Bancroft and Channing along Telegraph and is sure to add a little pick me up to your day. We should all aspire to have his level of enthusiasm as we make our way to class.

3. Berkeley Fire Trails

Whenever I am looking for some outdoor adventure I take to the hills. The Berkeley fire trails can be found just up Dwight Way or through Clark Kerr campus. They are marked by strings of flags hanging from tree to tree and offer light exercise along with amazing views of Berkeley and the Bay.



4. Cal Night At AT&T Park

Every spring the Giants welcome us to their stadium for a night of baseball and free apparel. There’s nothing better than throwing on your Cal gear and heading across the bay for some hot dogs and sports lovin’ with all your friends.

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5. The Campanile Bells

Every hour, you can hear the campus filled with the sounds of the Campanile bells. Not only are they oh-so-lovely to listen to, you can actually take a class on how to play them! Admission to the tower is free for students, so any time you like, you can head up and check out the bells as well as the amazing views!

What are your reasons for choosing UC Berkeley? Let us know in the comments!

*This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own. 

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