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15 Signs She’s The One

15 Signs She’s The One

Being in love and in a relationship for the first time can be exciting and overwhelming. You may ask if this is a forever? Here are the signs shes the one!

Being a college student, you sometimes can feel the pressure of needing to find that perfect someone who you can start a life with after you graduate. While no one is perfect, their is always that one girl who is perfectly imperfect. Maybe you have yet to meet her, or have known her all your life, but here are 15 signs she’s the one!

1. You see a future with her

If you can picture yourselves grey and old, then chances are shes the one!

2. She is your best friend

It is so important that the person you fall in love with is also your best friend. Someone you can trust and tell everything to. After all, a lifetime together is a long time to be with someone you don’t consider a best friend.

3. She doesn’t try to change you

If she wants to change the person you are, chances are she has some control issues and that isn’t good for any relationship. You should be able to be yourself and if you can, and she loves you for all those flaws, she may be the one!

4. You do not fight (for the most part)

Fighting is natural with friends, family, and that goes for intimate relationships as well. If she is the one, then chances are you will have small fights here and there. But, you shouldn’t be fighting all time.

5. Your family likes her

Family is everything at the end of the day and it is important that they like her! But, that shouldn’t be the final decision between whether or not she’s the one. She is in relationship with YOU and not your family.

6.. You can live together

If you think she is the one, then living together should come easy. Toothbrush at my place?! Of course!

7. You can completely be yourself

Being with a person and having them love you means that they accept you for who you are, including your bad and good side. You should be allowed to express yourself no matter how that may be and have them accept it.

8. You can both compromise

You are two separate people, meaning you both have your own set of views. This obviously can cause some fights here and there, but at the end oft he day you have to compromise. Take turns binging each other’s Netflix show or choosing who showers first. It’ll make things go way smoother.

9. She wants/inspires you to be the best you

Inspiring the people you love to be the best they can be is a vital part to any healthy relationship. If they don’t inspire you to be great, chances are they don’t want greatness for you.

10. Doing nothing is fun

Laying in bed all day watching shows on Netflix or car rides with no destination at all become fun activities when you love someone. Just her mere presence can make you so happy.

11. She has a sense of humor

Of course she should have a sense of humor. Life is too short to take everything too seriously.

See Also
Would You Rather, the game of difficult hypothetical choices. Here is a special edition of the game - Would You Rathers for University of Pittsburgh.

12. She gives you your space/time

The key to a healthy and successful relationship is having time to yourself. You both need space every now and then and if she can’t accept that, then there may be an issue.

13. She is a great cook

Because who doesn’t love food? But, this isn’t really a deal breaker, just a plus!

14. There is still romance

Of course there needs to be romance!! Whether it is a couple months or a million years, the romance must stay alive. Doing cute things here and there to express your love is so important for any relationship.

15. Great sex

Let’s be real, great sex is great sex.

Do you have any other sure tell signs that she’s the one!? Share in the comments below!

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