Ranking Of Places To Hook Up At The University of Georgia

For those pesky times when your roommate refuses to leave the room, there are no Ubers available or you’re just feeling really bold…here’s our ranking of places to hook up at the University of Georgia.
1. Your dorm hall trash room
The night is young and after adventuring back from a long ride on the late night bus, you begin to realize that both of your roommates are home. You both frantically text them trying to spell all of your words correct in order make the situation seem more important than just another drunken night, but no luck. You ultimately pick his dorm hall because the bathrooms are nicer and the possibility of a shirt is alluring. As you go to walk into the bathroom you see the RA out of the corner of your eye, and it’s time to make moves, into the closest room that he won’t walk into: the trash room. The striking smell of banana peels and dirty coffee cups gives you the perfect aphrodisiac effect and a lot time is saved by not having to turn off the nonexistent lights, and just like that you’re good to go.
2. A group study room in the MLC
You’re hard at work in the MLC, John the blonde has been obviously making eye contact from behind the employee desk and after ignoring it for weeks you give in. Being that study rooms in the MLC are usually not wanted, especially during midterms and finals, this is the perfect place to choose. The relaxed vibes of the white stark walls and comfort of the wooden chairs is a guaranteed magical moment. Choosing this is also a secure fact that no one will walk by and look through the window. But at the end of the day you know this is the right choice because you can’t be kicked out of the room, because ultimately it takes two to tango, and you can’t kick two out.
3. Fraternity laundry room
The party is vibing but you decide that you want to vibe somewhere else, so you turn to the buff clean cut boy next to you and give him the look. But wait, he doesn’t live in this house! Not to worry, this is where the laundry room can come into play. Irrelevant enough during the party for no one to walk into it, loud enough to be louder then, well other things, and also a great hiding spot just in case your buff friend has an emergency and you need to stay put for a moment.
4. The employee bar bathroom
You bartend most nights at the best bar downtown, but tonight you decided to take off. Your best friend slinging from behind the bar is also on aux and the night is going stellar. After consuming your weight in drinks, the beautiful Delta Apple Pi from math class walks in. You bravely talk to her and after about thirty seconds you need something more private, and what’s more private then the private employee bathroom? “Yeah I work here,” you confidently say as you open the door and give her the head nod.
5. DJrx
It’s all hit you and your brain is in its prime moments of thoughts: it’s that time of the night when you think it’s a good idea to go watch DJrx. The mass amounts of college students crammed into one room makes this the ideal location to hook up. Even if you don’t bring someone with you into the bar, there’s a high chance that five minutes on the dance floor will land you the hottest most eligible bachelor conveniently standing super close right behind you. And if you’re lucky enough, your knight in shining armor might be suddenly pushed from behind and bump into your behind! There’s also no need to worry about a lack of privacy at this location, the strobe lights will distract the people around you enough to not notice that your face is three inches from theirs.