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9 Things Every Temple Freshman Must Do Before Fall

Congratulations on getting accepted to Temple University!  With over 400 academic programs, Temple is the perfect choice for a quality education and a true college experience.  The long application process is over, and now you have finally found your home for the next four years as an Owl. But what now? After committing to Temple, you aren’t quite finished yet. You are probably left feeling unsure of what to do next in the college process.  It can be very confusing and overwhelming. But don’t worry, the process will get easier. Keep reading for these 9 things every Temple freshman must do after committing to Temple!

1. Join your class Facebook Page.

If you haven’t already, join your class Facebook page. It is a great way to stay informed and meet new people, including possible roommates.  Many future Owls post bios, questions, and comments in the page.  You may also want to request access to join other Temple class pages. You can then ask questions and gain more information from current students, and you can even search for some of the books you need for classes.

2. Find your roommate/roommates.

Although getting random roommates is an option, it may be best to try to find people that are similar to you.  The class Facebook page is a great way to find roommates.  Talk with different people and try to really get to know them. It’s important to ask about cleanliness, their goals with school, whether they like to party or not, and what time they generally go to bed.  It’s important to make sure your interests don’t clash and that you are finding someone who can respect your routine. Talk about which dorm both of you would like to stay in, and make sure you have a backup plan just in case your first choice is filled.


3. Sign up for housing.

Temple has different types of on-campus housing, including traditional dorms and suite style dorms. A traditional dorm has 2 beds, while a suite style has 4 beds. Some suite styles also have a kitchen and living room area.  The on campus residence halls are Morgan Hall North and South, Peabody Hall, Johnson and Hardwick, James S. White (known as White Hall), 1940, 1300, and Temple Towers. You can also look for off campus housing, such as apartments or houses. It’s probably a good idea to do some research before choosing which housing option is best for you. Read this wonderful article for more help about Temple housing

4. Explore the different organizations and clubs.

Figure out some ways that you might want to get involved around campus.  You can find a list of organizations online.  There will also be a student organization fair held during welcome week. It is important to get involved freshman year because it will help you to meet new people and boost your resume or skills in a certain area. Whether you are looking to join an intramural team, a student publication, or Greek life, Temple has clubs for almost any interest. This site will help!

5. Coordinate with your high school guidance counselor.

It’s very important to be speaking with your high school guidance counselor to make sure they are sending your transcripts to the correct school, along with your final grades for the year.  Make sure they are aware of any date deadlines so the college is receiving all of the necessary information.  They have other student’s paperwork to take care of, so make sure not to wait until the last minute.

6. Take your placement tests.

You will receive an email about taking placement tests to see which classes you are able to take.  Make sure to take these tests as soon as possible.  The sooner you complete these tests, the sooner you will be able to sign up for freshman orientation. And the sooner you sign up for orientation, the more choices of classes you will have. If you wait to long to complete the tests, you will be forced to register for a late orientation. This will most likely mean that a lot of the classes you need or want to take will be closed for the semester.  My biggest piece of advice for all freshman is to take your placement tests as soon as possible.

7. Sign up for Freshman Orientation.

Freshman Orientation is your first taste of the college lifestyle at Temple University. You will have the opportunity to stay overnight in a dorm, meet some classmates, and choose classes for your first semester.  You will also get to know the campus a little more as well as some of the policies and programs offered at Temple.

8. Start dorm shopping.

See Also

It’s better to start shopping sooner rather than later.  Even though it can be an overwhelming task, it can also be fun. This is your chance to decorate and personalize your future dorm room. So choose bedding and decorations that you truly love and wont get tired of.  You can choose a theme or a color scheme, or you can just randomize your decorations. It’s completely up to you. Check out this board for inspiration!

8. Start packing!

Packing ahead of time is a lot easier than the day before move-in. If you begin organizing and packing as soon as you get items, you will be less stressed and the process will get easier. One of the easiest things to do it to pack items in any storage containers that you plan to keep in your dorm. It saves space and makes moving in a lot easier.

Word of Advice…

Good Luck as you begin your freshman year at Temple University. It will go by very fast, so be sure to enjoy every minute of it.  Get involved as soon as possible and take advantage of every opportunity.

Welcome to college, Owls.

What are some other things every Temple Freshman must do before they start school in the fall? Comment below and share this article with friends!
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Alexis Rogers

Alexis Rogers is a journalism major in the School of Media and Communication at Temple University. She has a strong passion for writing and a desire to travel. Along with Society 19, Alexis also writes for The Temple News and Her Campus. She enjoys spending time with her family and friends.

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