8 Ways To Spend Time To Yourself In College

College is one of the best times of your life, as you make memories that will last a lifetime! However, it can get real stressful real fast so it’s important you make time for yourself. Here are 8 Ways To Spend Time To Yourself In College when you need a little break from your busy lifestyle!
1. Try A New Coffee Shop
Coffee is a necessity for any busy college student, so why not use it as one of the ways to spend time to yourself? Next time you have some time to yourself, try take yourself on your very own coffee date! Look up some different local coffee shops you haven’t been to before and make it your goal to try each one! If you have some deadlines that are coming up quicker than you thought, bring your homework with you while you sip on your coffee. If you’re in the mood to just relax, feel free to bring some headphones and listen to some music. This is a great way to unwind by yourself while staying caffeinated!
2. Take A Hike Alone
Taking a hike alone is one of the most perfect ways to spend time to yourself in college. Not only is it a good workout, but it’s great for taking your mind off of anything. Whether it’s stressing about finals, your social life, or romantic life, spending time alone is the best way to reflect and take a break from anything that has been on your mind lately. You can start by looking up the best hiking trails near you whether it’s by the mountains, ocean, or just the woods. If you go to school in the city, try finding local scenic spots that you can take the subway to!
3. Meditate
No matter what you may think about meditating, you really cannot judge until you try it! If you’re feeling anxious or overwhelmed, meditating alone is a great way to practice mindfulness, especially in a busy setting like a college campus. You can meditate from the comfort of your own dorm or go outside and explore a new, quiet spot. If you don’t have much time with your busy schedule that’s perfectly okay! Some meditation sessions are as short as ten minutes long. You can find several medication guides on YouTube, or just put on some calming music and do it yourself!
4. Have A Self-Care Day
Everyone always agrees that practicing self-care is a must when finding ways to take time to yourself and they aren’t wrong! Self-care is one of the easiest, most effective ways to spend your alone time. Pampering yourself is super important, especially in college. Self-care can go a lot of ways, such as having a spa night with a bubble bath, face masks and a cup of coffee or glass of wine! You can also treat yourself to a manicure and pedicure, since most college campus’s have nail salons nearby. Finish off your self-care day by eating some of your favorite snacks or candy while listening to some good music.
5. Find A New Study Spot
If you’re a college student then you’re bound to have quizzes or tests you must study for. Try escaping your dorm room and look for a new study spot where you can focus and get a lot done! Most colleges have a library you can go to, but if you’re looking for somewhere a little more private try visiting a nearby park or cafe. You can also go to other buildings around campus that most likely have tables and chairs where you can get some work done. Studying is the perfect excuse if you’re trying to find ways to spend time alone, plus you’ll be sure to get an A on your next exam!
6. Start To Journal
Journaling is proven to be one of the most effective ways to improve your mood and prioritize your feelings, especially when feeling overwhelmed at college. College life can be a huge adjustment for students in any year of school, so it’s important to find a way to communicate your thoughts with yourself, and there’s no better way than writing them down on paper. Like meditating, you really can’t judge journaling until you give it a shot! Even if you don’t like writing, jotting down some quick thoughts can be a great, therapeutic way to relieve stress even if you aren’t a college student. This is an effective method you can practice your whole life, so don’t hold back when you begin writing.
7. Binge A New Show
Who doesn’t love taking their mind off any craziness life may bring by starting a new show? Binging a new series is one of the simplest, yet enjoyable ways to spend time alone if you’re in need of a little break from the hectic college life. All you need for this is a laptop or TV and a Netflix subscription and you’re good to go! There are so many different genres to choose from, so start by making a list of which shows you want to watch next. Grab one of your favorite snacks or a cup of coffee and get comfy while you watch!
8. Go On A Shopping Spree Alone
If you like to shop, try treating yourself to a shopping spree alone! This is a great way to spend some alone time while doing some retail therapy. Take a trip to your nearest Mall or downtown shops and spend as much time as you’d like since you wont be waiting on anyone! If you don’t feel like shopping for clothes, try checking out a local farmer’s market to get some snacks that will surely taste a lot better than what your dining hall has to offer. College students are often on a budget, so feel free to do some window shopping while you’re out, as well. Have fun shopping and don’t forget to give your roommates a haul!