8 Reasons Why Mom Will Always Be My Style Icon

Our mothers are from all different time periods. Whether she rocked the 80s or was a hippie in the 70s, our moms have more style than we probably give them credit for. There is never a day that goes by where I don’t see myself reflecting things into my style that my mom has taught me about fashion. In honor of our amazing moms, and their amazing style, here are 8 reasons why mom will always be a style icon.
1. You can raid her closet for vintage pieces.
There is nothing more amazing than finding an old pair of Levis or a chic leather jacket when perusing your mom’s closet. If she kept most of her old items of clothing, (lucky for you) chances are you will find something authentic and stylish to wear. Reasons why mom will always be a style icon!
My mom’s closet
2. She has your best fashion interest at heart.
Moms want you to look your best; because ultimately, they want you to be the best YOU that you can be! Even when I find myself in a fashion slump, I can count on one style icon to tell me exactly what looks good, and what doesn’t.
Lila and her mom, Marti
3. She told you about fashion no-nos at a young age.
Remember all of those times she told you to go back to your room and change? Turns out, her style icon senses were right on point. Looking back at some of my middle school fashion choices, I wish I had listened to her. Definite reasons why mom will always be a style icon!
My mom and my little sister, Rue
4. She knew fashion before you knew fashion.
Our moms grew up in some of the best eras for fashion. Believe it or not, they rocked high-waisted jeans before we even knew what they were. Ever heard the phrase, “fashion repeats itself?” Well guess what, it’s true. Look at some old photos of your mom – I bet you’ll be totally envious of the fashionable babe you see.
My mom, Sonya at 26
5. She’s your original fashion inspo.
Starting at a young age, our moms have been our style icon, whether we knew it or not. In fact, she was our icon for just about everything; the first woman we ever idolized. It’s no surprise that as we mature and discover our own sense of style, there is always a little part of our mom’s style we can’t hide.
Rebecca and her mom, Judith
6. And funny enough, vice-versa.
What would a style icon be without their very own fashion muse. And guess what, you are that stylish muse! Moms are constantly drawing inspiration and ideas from us without us every even knowing. Just as we steal ideas from them, they do from us as well. Sounds like a win-win situation to me!
My mom and I; Emery and her mom, Susie
7. They show us how to look great on a budget.
Moms have a lot to deal with. They’ve helped put us through college and keep roofs over our head, but somehow, they still always look great. If anyone knows how to shop on a budget, it’s our mothers. Remember the days you got dragged into thrifting, or going to Marshall’s and Daffy’s? Well, we may not have shown our appreciation at the time, but our meek college bank accounts are definitely thanking her now!
Linden and Michelle
8. We are a reflection of our mothers; fact.
Have you ever picked up and old photo and had to figure out if it is your mom or yourself? We are reflections of our mothers. We will always be influenced by them, even if in the most subtle of ways.
Sonya (my mom!) at 26 and me at age 17
There is nothing stronger than a mother’s love. Let’s take a moment and celebrate our moms, and thank them for keeping our prints matching and giving us the same advice they got from their mothers about fashion. My mom gave me the gift of loving fashion at a very young age, and that is the reasons why mom will always be a style icon!
Chrisanne (bottom left) and her friends
*Special thanks to Amelia Borner, Charlotte Moogan, Emery Olson, Zoe Patton, Lila Velcoff and Rebecca Barton for sharing photos of their beautiful mothers with us!*
Do you have any other reasons why mom will always be a style icon? Share in the comments below!
Featured image source: heymcki.com
Sala Risby is a Student at the University of New Hampshire in Durham where she studies Journalism and sociology. She is from Brooklyn, New york, and clearly shows this through her love of fashion and journalism. Sala is passionate about fashion, writing, politics, and social media/social justice. Her style icons include Vanessa Hudgens, Zoe Kravitz, and Zendaya. Sala aspires to be a fashion magazine editor when she graduates and hopes to inspire girls of all ages to be comfortable with their own self and express themselves through words and fashion.