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7 ’70s Fashion Trends That Are Totally Groovy

7 ’70s Fashion Trends That Are Totally Groovy

In light of fashion trends booming in the 21st century, we all seem to love the nostalgia of past fashion trends. Are you someone born in that era? Are you fascinated by trends for makeup and clothing? Fashion is a very versatile phenomenon.

There is no such thing as old-style when you want to have throwbacks every now and then. It is all up to you to decide whether the ’70s are still cool and hip. With that said, here are seven ’70s fashion trends that are totally groovy in the year 2019!

1. Peasant Blouse

As a comeback, the peasant blouse is made to look contemporary with floral patterns or off-the-shoulder designs. To obtain a cool yet chic vibe, you can wear a peasant blouse with a pair of blue jeans. For warmer days, these tops are in light shades of color or patterned with stripes and/or flowers.


Certainly, this style has stuck around for decades. With an adapting history of femininity and the constant changes in eras, women today are free to wear the peasant blouse as they would like.

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2. Turtleneck Sweater

For men and women in the 1970s, turtleneck sweaters have become lifesavers in the winter months. The ugly Christmas sweaters have become universally accepted as wearable over time. Wool and flannel turtleneck sweaters have ruled fashion and there are now turtleneck dresses that can be comfortably flaunted. In plain colors or plaid patterns, turtlenecks have become the must-have types of sweaters to be worn during colder days.

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3. Maxi Dress

As women know, there is a number of dress types for any occasion. Short to long, flat to wavy, a dress will never go out of style. The maxi dress has been around to give a more spring forward look. This dress is perfect for the tall and slender, pairing with classic woven wedge sandals. Also, with this dress on, the breezy spring air won’t be much of an issue.


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4. Leather Biker Jackets

Throughout the 1970s, leather biker jackets were worn by men to promote a certain cool guy status. It has been brought into the ’80s and ’90s decades to carry on that reputation. Until now in 2019, leather biker jackets were commonly worn by women as well as men.


Looking for a slightly edgy outfit? Pair your clothes with this jacket. Not only is it perfect for sixty-degree weather, but this jacket will also show others that you are in control.

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5. Birkenstocks

You may have recognized the name, you may have seen these sandals worn in Spring and Summer seasons. You were not mistaken. Birkenstock sandals dominated shoe industries with their comfortable open-toed sandals.


Released in a variety of colors, individuals can proudly wear their Birkenstock sandals without worrying about being outdated. As 2019 passes through its mid-term, Birkenstocks do not plan to go away any time soon.

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6. Corduroy

The corduroy fabric has been worn for the longest of time. Typically in brown or black, corduroy jackets and pants can be worn throughout fall and winter seasons. For a mix and match, you can also wear denim with corduroy as well.

For women, designers have made corduroy skirts and dresses fun and timeless. Do you see yourself wearing a corduroy mini skirt or corduroy pants? Fall colors on clothes can be intimidating but not impossible to pull off.

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7. Jumper Dress

The jumper dress brings back quite a few fond memories. From the beginning of the 1970s all the way to ’90s, this dress has been the go-to outfit for women and young girls everywhere. Wear this dress over a plain t-shirt or sweater of choice.

You will not be disappointed with how cute the ensemble will be. Now in a variety of colors and even designs the jumper dress (presently called the pinafore) will have you smiling from ear to ear because of how fun and stylish it is to wear.


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Do any of these fashion trends give you a throwback? Which one do you personally adore? Leave a comment below!

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