7 Ways To Save Money For Spring Break

With winter break in full swing, you can probably count the number of weeks left until spring break on both of your hands. Everyone knows that spring break is the best time of the year to go on vacation with your friends, but doing so can be costly. Here are seven of the best ways to save money for Spring Break!
1. Get The “Unsplurge” App
This app helps you to set a spending goal and stick to it in order to save money! First, set a goal– which in this case, is to save X amount of dollars by spring break. You can then log your progress every time you set aside money for it, to help keep you motivated. For an extra push, you can even share updates with friends through the app, to help hold yourself accountable and see how well others are doing!
2. Sell Your Old Textbooks
Many book-buyback sites offer cash in exchange for textbooks and it’s an easy way to make some extra money for break. Try selling your old books to Barnes and Noble, or through your school’s local buy and sell Facebook group. Websites such as SlugBooks help you to compare buyback prices for different companies.
3. Limit Your Textbook Purchases
Depending on what classes you’re taking, you can save money by simply opting to check out books from either a local library or your college’s library. This is a great option if you are reading a novel or other book for class, and you won’t need it for the entire semester. Another option is to rent your textbooks instead of buying them, which saves a lot of money. Easily compare the cost of textbook rentals here.
4. Stop Spending Money Going Out
Spending money on weekends can quickly get out of control. Considering the cost of taxi rides, drinks purchased at bars, and going out to dinner, a student can easily spend $100 or more a weekend. Cut your spending by purchasing your alcohol directly from liquor stores in bulk and mixing your own drinks, and even by going to events your college sponsors on campus. Most events have food, so you’ll be able to eat restaurant quality meals for free! Going to campus events also gives you the opportunity to meet new people.
5. Make Shopping Lists Ahead of Time
One of the easiest ways to spend money is by impulse buying, whether it is at the mall, at a restaurant, or at the grocery store. Make lists of things you truly need, and give yourself a full 24 hours or more to decide if it’s something essential to purchase, or just something you want. Save even more by avoiding name brand products.
6. Recycle Your Cans and Bottles
College campuses are a prime location to find plenty of recyclable cans and bottles, especially on the weekend. Find one or two friends who will walk around campus and collect abandoned beer bottles or cans with you. Then, bring them to your local grocery store, and recycle them for change!
7. Use Your Student ID!
Many restaurants and other businesses will give students a discount on their purchases, as long as they present a valid student ID. Click here to discover 10 restaurants that give student discounts.
Can you think of any more ways to save money for Spring Break? Let us know down below!
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Kim Meneo is a student at Connecticut College studying English and environmental science. In her free time, she volunteers at a local equine rescue and produces freelance articles for several companies. During the summer, she can usually be found relaxing on the beach with a good book. Any questions, concerns, or general inquiries can be emailed to her at kmeneo@conncoll.edu