7 Tips to Make the Most of Seminole Sensation Week at FSU

The big day is finally here! You’ve done all your dorm room shopping, you have all those wonderful school supplies, including that new laptop. You arrive on campus, settle in to your new dorm room, and ask yourself, “now what?” Well, that’s where Seminole Sensation Week, a week of fun and FREE activities to welcome you to your new home away from home, kicks in. The schedule is slam packed and full of all kinds of incredible things to do that will help you make some new friends and feel right at home.
1. Plan ahead.
Seminole Sensation Week is one of the many yearly traditions FSU has to offer. That being said, every year there are different activities for you to take part in. The activities are designed to appeal to the masses so there is a little bit of everything, and definitely something for everyone.
With everything from bounce houses at midnight to hypnotists, and coffees to concerts, you’re sure to find something you’ll want to do. Who knows, you may make a new friend or find a club you didn’t know about.
2. Don’t be shy.
Fact: You’re in a new place that you’re not familiar with (or returning after a long summer break), and you may not have many friends… yet. Saying this, you aren’t going to meet new people if you’re too afraid to leave your dorm room without your roommate by your side.
With all the activities to do, you are sure to find something and someone to share the experience with! So please strike up or join a conversation, you can’t meet new people if you don’t try and interact.
3. Go out of your comfort zone.
Seminole Sensation Week is the perfect opportunity to try something new that you’ve never tried before. Didn’t try out for sports in high school but wished you did? The Catholic Student Union is putting on sporting events almost every night!
Do you love the show Wipeout? Check out Wipeout Meltdown at the Olgesby Union. Do you just want to make a complete fool of yourself? You have plenty of options for that, whether it be bouncing around in Zorb Balls or getting hypnotized by Doug Thompson.
Either way playing around outside of your usual routine is a great way to let loose, make friends, and become familiar with your amazing new campus.
4. Two words: FREE FOOD.
Everyone likes food and let’s be honest, when it’s free it’s guaranteed to taste at least ten times better! During Seminole Sensation Week you’ll have plenty of opportunities for food, and most of it is FREE as long as you have your FSU ID. You have your choice of food from Seminole Dining, snow cones, candy making classes, or coffee from around the world! Whatever you like, take advantage of as much free food as you can.
5. Make new friends.
Essentially, the entire point of Seminole Sensation Week is to welcome you to campus and to (surprise) make friends! With activities ranging from every common interest – food, sports, games, music, and art – you’re guaranteed to find someone with something in common.
6. Don’t be afraid to take it easy.
With many activities happening during Seminole Sensation Week, it’s easy to get exhausted before the semester has even started. Make sure you’re taking time to fuel yourself with healthy foods and drink a lot of water! Plus, keep in mind that there are several activities that you can do to get off your feet and just relax. This includes nightly movies, comedy shows, and concerts.
7. Go to the Involvement Fair.
It may sound completely boring and like an utter waste of time, but it’s a great way to find out about the 600 and growing student organizations on campus, ranging from acapella groups to a cat club to organizations specifically connected to your major. An hour or so (or honestly even less) at the involvement fair can help you tremendously to find the place that you fit in.
For the full schedule of events, click here!
Have any other tips for Seminole Sensation Week? Feel free to comment them below. If these tips helped you, share the article!
Featured photo source: gamedayr.com
Michaela Wood is a fun-loving student at Florida State University. She is pursuing a degree in Music Therapy to become a Music Therapist in a children's hospital. Michaela is a self-proclaimed foodie, and in her free time can usually be found cooking, baking, or at the gym working out so she can eat all of the goodies she made. She loves to travel and is always up for a good adventure. Michaela hopes to use her time at Florida State to make a difference on her campus and to help her fellow college students' transition into adulthood a little easier (even though everyone knows that adulting is nearly impossible when Netflix is a thing. I mean, who hasn't binge-watched all of Grey's Anatomy in three weeks? Oh...Just me?)