7 Things You Only Understand If You Live In Rutgers’ Brett Hall

Brett Hall is located on the CA campus at Rutgers and is the designated Honors Hall for that neighborhood. There are some things that all students who have lived in Brett Hall know to be true. Keep reading for 7 things you only understand if you live or have lived in Rutgers’ Brett Hall!
1. It’s always kind of loud.
Because you live in the unofficial party neighborhood at RU, and because most of the frat houses are also located in this neighborhood, there is a certain decibel level that the background noise never comes under.
2. …But you’re used to it.
The near-constant exposure to all that noise has enabled you to become habituated to it. It’s beneficial though, because now you can study in all sorts of environments without getting distracted. A real focus-sharpener, if you will.
3. Speaking of studying, you’ve made actual friend groups in your hall because of it.
I mean, to keep away those pesky, possibly threatening Cs, some effort is involved. However, studying may not be as antisocial as you thought it was. You’re all in this together, right?
4. We don’t talk about Brower.
Too lazy to go to another campus for food? Good luck in the CA dining hall, honey. We’re rooting for you.
5. On the plus side, we’re close to an AMAZING gym and the RU student center.
College Avenue gym has everything, and the student center has the best nooks to study in, so who’s the real winner here?
6. And then there’s the unidentifiable smell…
Is it B.O.? Other smells? Pipes leaking? Mystery meat gone wrong? We will never know the origins of the mysterious scent that wafts through the hallways of Brett.
7. Regardless, you know that Brett Hall gives you the best of both worlds.
It is pretty great, isn’t it?
What are some other important things to know if you live in Rutgers’ Brett Hall? Comment below and share this article with fellow students and friends!
featured image source: Instagram.com/nolajh, theodysseyonline.com
Writer of blogs, speaker of languages, worshiper of coffee, lover of pretty penmanship, piercings, and baby animals, and Rutgers student.