If you go to school in the northern part of the country, chances are, you deal with snow days pretty frequently in the winter months. If you’ve found yourself running out of ideas and things to do, here are 7 things to do on a snow day!
Say the first word or phrase that comes to mind when you hear “snow day.” I’ll bet $10 you didn’t say “homework” or “studying.” Just kidding, that’s not a fair bet; maybe you did…However, my guess is that you probably said “Netflix (and chill),” “sleep,” or “food.” You may not realize it, but spending part of a snow day (notice I didn’t say the whole day) studying for an exam could possibly earn you an A on an exam that you otherwise would’ve earned a B on. How great would that be? (The answer is really great.) So be the wise student that I know you are (I know you’re wise because you’re reading this article); open your textbook and don’t put your snow day to complete waste.
Days off from school were probably invented so that we could have some one on one time with Netflix. Okay, maybe not considering Netflix was founded way after the weekend became a thing. But let’s face it, a snow day only wants one thing from you in return for no classes- some QT with Netflix. In all seriousness though, it’s okay to take the day to de-stress and to treat yourself to a few episodes (or seasons) of your favorite show. After all, when will this special opportunity to binge watch Netflix come again? (If you live near Buffalo, the answer is probably sometime soon.) But like I said above, try to squeeze a little bit of studying in. You’ll thank yourself in the end and you’ll feel relieved that you have one less thing to do during your normal schedule.
Class. Tutoring. Sports practice. Work for 4 hours. Dinner. Homework. Sleep. Repeat. This is what a typical day is like for a lot of students. When faced with having to choose two out of the three: social life, good grades, or sleep; a lot of us choose a social life and good grades. Even if you do choose sleep, you probably still overwork yourself. That’s why a snow day is a wonderful thing. They offer the perfect opportunity to catch up on some shuteye, and chances are you’ll probably need the sleep to finish that 8 page paper due in two days that you’ve been avoiding all week.
Our grandparents are very special people in our lives. You may not realize it, but they do think about you a lot and want to know what’s going on in your life; especially when you’re doing something new and exciting (like going to college). They probably have a lot of time on their hands, so they are always up for talking to their favorite grandchildren. Since you probably have some extra time on your hands thanks to the snow day, why not use it as the chance to give your grandparents a call? They would LOVE to talk to you and chances are that call would make their day!
Unless all of the washers are being used, a snow day is perfect for doing that pile of laundry in the corner of your room that you’ve been ignoring all week. It can also be a good day to wash your sheets! If you’re going to be stuck in your dorm room/building all day, it makes sense to do your laundry because you won’t have to worry about someone taking out your laundry while you’re in class. You’ll thank yourself when your toasty warm sweatshirt comes out of the dryer.
Hear me out. Coloring has become a scientifically proven stress reliever. If you have nothing to do, coloring can help to pass the time and give you something enjoyable to do. If you love to color but can never find time for it, a snow day can be the perfect opportunity to make some progress on your next masterpiece. Honestly what could possibly be more relaxing than coloring while snuggling in bed with a nice cup of hot cocoa?
I suggest any of the “Color Art for Everyone- Leisure Arts” or the “Mandala” coloring books. I recently purchased the “Mystical Wonders” Mandala coloring book, and I love it!
You know you can’t help but rock out and show your inner child when somebody plays ‘Nobody’s Perfect’ by Hannah Montana. (If you also love to rock out to ‘Wake Up’ by Hillary Duff, we can be best friends.) But instead of just rocking out to one Disney throwback, why not spend the whole day listening to all of your favorite Disney tunes?
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