Even if you’re not a sports fan, you’ve probably watched at least one game or match before. You don’t have to like sports, either, but you probably know something about a sport. Sports are something that everyone in the United States has in common. Sports are really popular. You can start playing sports at the age of three, for most sports clinics. That being said, how do you know you’re a sports fan?
This one is a pretty easy one. You can own a shirt, hat, sweatshirt, or anything that has a team logo or name on it. College sports, high school sports, and professional sports all count as teams. You probably have college gear that mentions your college name, but that doesn’t count unless it mentions the sports team or looks like your team’s shirts.
This could also include posters, books, movies, or anything else that talks about your favorite team or a player from your favorite team. If it has a team name or their logo on it, then it counts as team apparel. You can also have specific player’s shirts, too, and that also counts as being a sports fan.
This one is a little trickier. It’s not just about your favorite sports team, exactly. You could have read any book about any real sports event that happened. That can include books about the history of the team or even funny stories about some of the players of the past from your favorite team.
The book can be about one specific game or it could be about a whole season that ended badly. The picture below is a book about the events of the hockey game the movie Miracle was about. There are books about major sports events like that for every sport, too. There’s a lot you learn from reading the books that you didn’t know from just being a sports fan, too.
Even if your favorite team didn’t play the previous night, you still check the scores when you wake up. Whether you do it because you’re a fan of all sports or just to check that your team is still in first, it doesn’t matter. You’re still a huge sports fan if you look at the scores as soon as you wake up.
Or you might get the updates on the app on your phone, you’re still a sports fan. You might actually be a bigger sports fan than I thought if you have an app on your phone, too. Maybe you have just one sports app, or you could have several like I do. Either way, you’re still a huge sports fan, especially if you check the app daily.
Everyone loves watching feel-good movies, and most sports fans have seen a couple of them before. Remember the Titans, Miracle, and even The Rookie are the only sports movies my family will watch, but they’re my favorites anyway. I love movies that have happy endings, and the fact that they’re sports movies is even better.
Sports movies are the perfect way to keep up with the history of your favorite sport, even when they aren’t playing. There are even some movies that don’t end with the team winning the championship, like Friday Night Lights, another really good movie. A real sports fan has seen at least one feel-good sports movie
Live events are expensive, so it is harder for this one to be true. If you’ve ever attended a live game before, then you’re a sports fan. There are problems with going to live sporting events now, but we’ll be able to go to games and matches again soon.
Any event you go to counts, even if it’s a sport you aren’t really a big fan of. Any level of the sport counts, too. You could go to professional major league games, college games, or even minor league games. If it’s a sport you’re watching, then it counts as seeing a live event.
This one is the hardest one, for me anyway. If you are a sports fan, you probably have a hard time having conversations with nonsports fans. Every time you start talking with someone, you always revert back to sports. This happens to me far too often. You can’t talk to someone who isn’t a sports fan for too long because they get annoyed when you start talking about sports.
I talk to my mom about school or something like that, and by the end of the conversation, I’m always talking about one sport or another. It’s a bad habit to have, but it makes conversations short with people who don’t know what you’re talking about. Anyone who talks to you also knows trivial facts about sports that they didn’t know before you spoke with them. So it’s not all bad.
A sports fan usually follows a whole team or an individual athlete on some social media account at some point. If you really like the athlete, you’ll still follow them when they get traded to a different team. But if you only follow them because of the team they’re on, then you’ll unfollow them when they get traded. Either way, you’re still following a sports athlete on social media.
If you’re like me, then you created your Twitter account for the purpose of getting updates on your favorite teams. You can find things out, like breaking records, faster through social media than you can by watching games or researching it. Social media is an easier way to communicate with other sports fans, too, in case you don’t know many you can talk to during the games.
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