7 Reasons Why the West Coast is the Best Coast

There is no doubt the West Coast is the best coast. Want to know just a few of the reasons why? Keep reading to find out!
1. Open wide for organic and original cooking!
Unlike many other parts of the country, the west coast has an obsession with organic, healthy foods that taste like they aren’t! Several different restaurants and businesses have formed which tend to this desire for a delicious, slimming style of cooking! Most with a modern, indie look, these companies are gaining more and more popularity on the daily.
2. The constant wind in your hair and sun on your face.
Overall, the west coast has some pretty incredible weather. A nice cool breeze, sun on your face and not too horrible of a winter, all are factors that back up the reputation the west coast upholds in terms of weather! When it does get a little chilly, head to one of the many indie coffee shops for a perfectly made hot chai tea latte, And if it ever gets to hot, which it most likely will, you can hit up one of the frozen yogurt shops located on every corner!
3. We have deserts and forests and everything in between.
The west coast really does have it all. One weekend, you can spend a day tanning at the beach and surfing. Meanwhile, the next weekend you can hike mountains and even deserts! When observing the nature along this coast, it ranges from beautiful, tree-filled forests to, just as beautiful, cactus-infested deserts.
4. We understand the concept of “all work all play”.
Some of the most prominent, important, and vivacious cities are located on the west coast. While residents of these states are able to enjoy the perfect weather and nature, they are also given access to incredible opportunities for both work and play. Some of the largest, most successful companies are located in these areas, giving locals the ability to have their dream job! When done working, it’s time for play as several bars, music festivals, and concerts are held in these cities.
5. You can dress either inside or outside of “the box”.
Shopping on the West Coast gives everyone the ability to really branch out or keep with their own, personal flare. There are stores for those that like to push the limits and for those that like things the way they are. The best part, either option is more than acceptable. West coasters do a great job of keeping up with changing styles while keeping it simple and chic.
6. We place an emphasis on fitness and are usually first to know the trendy exercises.
One thing that is common, is the emphasis west coasters have on exercise and fitness! It seems as though every week new group classes are being created that are the “greatest new thing!” Whether it’s unique spin classes, Zumba, hot yoga, Crossfit, or kickboxing, there’s a revolutionary exercise that everyone cannot wait to try for themselves.
7. We value optimism.
One of the best parts about living on the west coast is the overall understanding that everything happens for a reason and that in the end, life isn’t good… It’s great! There are bad days, but only better days to come! West coasters want to enjoy their work, family, friends, and well, life in general!
What are some other reasons that the west coast is the best coast? Comment below and share this article with friends!
Featured image source: losangeles., walldevil.com
Originally from the west coast, but currently residing in the heart of the South, Alana Doyle is a PR student at The University of Alabama. When not binge eating mac and cheese, watching dog/kid/old people videos, and attempting to become a gym addict, she is out traveling the South and attending as many music festivals and concerts as humanly possible. However, the college budget makes this limited, along with a college wardrobe, so she normally sticks to big t-shirts and shorts. It's all okay with her though, as she is still a (self-proclaimed) Cards Against Humanity champ.