7 Reasons To Choose Wearing Contacts Over Glasses

Depending on why you need corrective lenses, contacts are the better option. Contacts are not available for farsightedness, that’s when you would be wearing reading glasses. They are an option for nearsightedness, though, and they are much better to see with. You will still need to get glasses, though, because contacts should only be worn between 12 and 18 hours a day. You should not sleep with contacts in because you can hurt your eyes that way, but it also depends on the type of contact.
There are two types of contacts, a soft plastic contact and a harder glass contact. The plastic ones are the more comfortable because they absorb the most water, keeping your eyes moist. There are also daily contacts, two week contacts and monthly contacts. Daily contacts are the most comfortable because you use a new one every day, but that also makes them the most expensive. The two week contacts are in the middle. They are still very comfortable and they are more reasonably priced. The monthly contacts are the best for correcting astigmatism because the monthly contacts are made a little thicker than dailies are.
1. No Fogging
When it’s cold and raining or snowing out and you’re wearing glasses, they can fog up really easily. It also gets really frustrating because you can’t see anything with it, especially when you walk into a warm building after being outside. Your eyeball is warm, so it keeps the contact from cooling down in the cold weather outside. That keeps the fogging from happening, allowing you to see the whole time.
The glasses fog up, usually, when you enter a warm building after being outside for a few minutes. Or it could be because it is raining out and the water is causing the fog. You can avoid all of that by wearing contacts over glasses. Contacts are close enough to your eyes where you can be in thirty degree weather without there being an issue. When you enter buildings that are warmer than the outside, you’ll be able to see everything clearly without looking through the fog.
2. Curve with Your Eye
When you wear glasses, they don’t press right up against your eyes, which can make it difficult to use your peripheral vision. If your eyes move, the glasses don’t really move with your eyes. They stay stationary on your face. Contacts basically touch your eye, allowing you to look from left to right and still see everything. The contacts give your eye room to breathe, making it easier to see with them.
The soft plastic contacts will be able to mold with your eyes. The contacts should be able to float comfortably in your eyes without hurting. Glasses pinch your nose and the arms of the glasses stretch out, sometimes making the glasses too big. The contacts are always the right size for your eyes and they won’t stretch out. Contacts are the perfect way to be able to see when you need corrective lenses because they are the right thickness and size.
3. No Sunlight Reflection
The biggest issue with glasses is the sun, especially when it reflects off the sun or snow. The sun glare can make it difficult to see, and driving is really difficult. But it’s not as bad when you can wear contacts because you can also wear sunglasses to keep the glare from bothering your eyes. You can finally keep a pair of sunglasses in your car when you are wearing contacts over glasses.
I have had glasses since I was in elementary school and I didn’t get contacts until I went to college. I hate going back to glasses because I can finally wear sunglasses while I’m driving now. Light reflection on the glasses lenses can blind you sometimes, and it’s really important to be able to see at all times. Sun reflection off of snow and sand is even worse because both of them are light colors with crystal sparkles already in it, making the light even more sparkly.
4. Won’t Fall Off and Break
Glasses keep sliding down your face, especially when you are hot and sweaty. The glasses risk the chance of breaking every time they fall off your face. And if the lens breaks and gets in your eyes, then you’ll be in a lot of trouble. Contacts, if put in properly, will not fall out and they won’t break if they hit the ground. And if they happen to break in your eye, they won’t do that much damage.
Contacts can fall out, though. And depending on how bad your eyesight is to begin with, you might not even realize it. The best thing to do is carry around a case and some solution in case they do fall out. You also might want to bring an extra pair of contacts, especially if they are daily contacts. The contact might also tear in your eye, which can irritate your eyes. So keep a small bottle of eye drops with you, if you’re afraid of the contact tearing.
5. No Clashing with Your Outfit
If you’re really fashion conscious, then wearing glasses that don’t match your outfit is going to bother you. So you’ll either have multiple pairs of glasses, or all of your outfits will be complimentary with your glasses. When wearing contacts, you can wear any color you want. You don’t have to worry about matching colors with your contacts, which makes fashion a little bit easier.
I have never been that fashion conscious. I always got my glasses based on my favorite color of that year, and I wore whatever I wanted to, which was usually sports related. But I do have some friends who color coordinated their glasses with their outfits. It is certainly easier to figure out what to wear when you don’t need to worry about your glasses matching your shirt. That is another good reason to choose wearing contacts over glasses.
6. Easily Change Your Eye Color
If you’ve ever wanted to change your eye color, contacts are great for that. With glasses, you’re stuck with your natural eye color because the contacts will mess up your vision if you’re wearing glasses, too. But with contacts, you can just get your prescription in the colored contacts so you can change your eye color. It is really easy to do, too, since you can get them wherever you get regular contacts.
I have never wanted to change my eye color, but when you order your contacts online, they always give you the option to change the color of your contacts. If you wanted to change the color, I would recommend only getting a month supply, just to make sure you like it before you get a whole year’s supply of contacts. You wouldn’t want to get a year and then decide that you don’t like the new color you chose because that would just be unfair.
7. Easier to be Active
When you try playing sports or just going for a jog and you’re wearing glasses, they keep falling off. And if you try sports glasses, they feel like they are pushing into your nose because you need to keep them so tight. But with contacts, you don’t need to worry about any of that. You won’t lose the contacts when you start running, and you won’t be squishing your face to keep them on, either.
I played soccer when I was in middle school, and I decided to play without glasses. I couldn’t really see anything until the player or the ball was hitting me. It was easier to play like that than playing with glasses on and I didn’t get sports glasses because I didn’t think it was worth it. I do wish I had the option to play with contacts, though, because I think it would have been easier. The only thing is, though, that when sweat gets into your eyes, it would be really irritating.