7 DIY Projects To Spruce Up Your Closet

Contrary to popular believe you don’t need expert sewing skills to revamp your clothes. Here are 7 easy DIY projects anyone can do to Spruce up your closet!
The easiest DIY project to revamp your clothes is by cropping. What is cropping? Cropping clothes is the act of cutting a clothing item shorter than usual. Cropped shirts are definitely in right now, go to any store and about eighty percent of the shirts will be cropped. However those shirts may also be way out of your budget range or just totally overpriced. Why spend thirty dollars on a shirt when you can do a quick and easy DIY project at home?
All you need for this is literally scissors. You can do this with any piece of clothing you want, whether that be a T-shirt, button up, sweatshirt, or pant. My personal favorite item of clothing to crop is an oversized tee, or anything oversized for that matter. This is an easy DIY project anyone can do to make your clothes cute and trendy!
Skirt as shirt or dress
I know this DIY project might sound kind of weird but don’t knock it till you try it! I myself like to be creative with my clothing and see what I can do with old pieces before I throw them out. I took a longer skirt from years ago and saw if it would fit around my chest, and it did… and there I had it a new dress. I was hesitant at wearing it out at first, but once I did I got tons of complements and questions about where I got it. You should have seen people’s reaction when I told them it was a skirt.
I looked more into this and there are so many other ways you can do this DIY project. Take your form fitting mini skirt and use it as a tube top! I’ve also seen tutorials on taking a button up and tying the arm sleeves around your waist and turning it into a skirt. There are tons of ways to do this DIY project all you need is a shirt and some creativity!
Getting bored of the same old jeans and tops you have? This DIY project will turn your boring clothing into a whole new wardrobe! This DIY is definitely trending and it’s easy to see why, this is a quick and easy project that can transform any piece of clothing. In order to do this all you need is a few household items including: bleach, gloves, a spray bottle (optional) and laundry detergent, and of course an item of clothing.
You can either spray the bleach on to create more of a sprinkled effect. Or grab some rubber bands and you can do tye dye method! This DIY works best on darker clothing because the bleach stains will be much more visible. This project should only take you a matter of minutes and will turn your outdated wardrobe into the hip new trend.
Cutting holes/ cut outs
We all have those old plain Jane tank tops just sitting in our drawer that we never wear. And we keep them around for what? To collect dust? Well get up and grab it and grab a pair of scissors while you’re at it. This next project is sweet and simple, and can get you wearing that tank you haven’t worn in years Into your new favorite top if done correctly!
Yup, you heard me right you just need a pair of scissors. Cutting holes in tanks are actually a trendy fashion trend. Cut some holes either diagonally, horizontally, in a certain pattern any way you like! This is one of the easiest DIY projects to transform your clothes and leave you with a cute minimalist top!
Halterneck top from a T-shirt
This is one of the DIY projects that require a few steps and directions, but if followed will transform your Tee! All you need is a pair of scissors and whatever tee you want to transform!
- Cut the sleeves diagonally to create that halter neckline.
- Crop the Tee to whatever length you want it
- Get rid of a majority of the back portion, leaving the collar and enough cloth on the bottom for a tie
- Then with the cloth left on the bottom, cut directly in the middle.
- Tie the two pieces together and you’re done!
Want name brand pieces but are stuck with bland old crew necks? Do I have a hack for you. I’m sure we’re all familiar with the brand NIKE and especially familiar with their prices. Well how would feel if I told you you could get your very own custom made NIKE crew neck?
For this DIY project all you need is a few patches from your local arts and crafts store, and iron and whatever crew neck or clothing you want to revamp. Pick your favorite patches and iron those suckers on! If you’re looking to do the NIKE crew neck that’s one of the trending DIY projects, all you need are the patches, NKE and whatever cute patch to fill in for the I.
Of course you don’t have to do this one trend. That’s the best part about DIY projects, it’s all up to you and you can put your own spin on any of them! You can do this with tank tops, hoodies, sweatpants, jeans even shoes! Let your imagination run wild and get to ironing!
Tank top and string
For those of you with commitment issues this ones for you, because you don’t even have to cut anything. You heard me right, this transformation doesn’t even require scissors! All you need is a piece of string and a tank top. You can use any piece of string, however I prefer to use a string from an old bikini because of the flexibility and comfort of it. Follow these steps to transform your tank top to a cute new cop or halter top!
- Put on your tank top
- Put the string through the top of the shirt and pull through to the bottom
- Tie the string in a knot creating a plunging tie up crop! (you can leave as it or keep going!)
- Tie the excess string around your neck creating more of a halter look
And there you have it! These are just a few DIY projects you can do to update and restyle your clothes! What is your go to DIY?
Featured Image Source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/50947039524779778/
Caitlyn is an aspiring writer, currently majoring in Communications with a concentration in Journalism.