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6 Things You Only Understand If You Live In Wildwood at FSU

6 Things You Only Understand If You Live In Wildwood at FSU

Living in one of the residence halls at FSU is a huge part of your college experience, especially your freshman year. Every residence hall at FSU comes with a different territory. Here are six things you’ll only understand if you live in Wildwood at FSU!

1. You learn to love the Marching Chiefs.

Not like you have too much of a choice when their practice field is right outside your window. Yeah, it may be annoying when you’re trying to study, but hey, you gotta admit it makes you feel pretty proud to be a Nole. They’re pretty damn good.



2. You’ve been locked out of your bathroom…on more than one occasion.

While the suite style housing is great it’s really inconvenient (and awkward) when your suite mates on the other side forget to unlock both of the bathroom doors, and of course it’s always at 2 AM when you really need to go!


3. You know a lot about LLC’s, even if you aren’t in one.

With Wildwood being home to both the Nursing LLC and the Social Justice LLC, you get to know a lot about how FSU’s numerous Living Learning Communities work. You have to admit, it is pretty cool living with a group of like-minded people, and at least once you were jealous that they had classes in the dorm. I mean, who doesn’t love being able to roll out of bed five minutes before class starts? If you want to learn more about LLC’s in Wildwood at FSU and other halls, click here.


4. You swore that you would get in shape at the beginning of the semester.

The Leach is like right next to Wildwood, so you figured you wouldn’t have an excuse not to start working out, but magically, you were able to find some sort of excuse.

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5. You love your RA.

From the adorable little decorations, to community activities, your RA is the best. They are a peacekeeper when you and your roomie have a dispute, and probably give the best advice out of anyone on campus.


6. You aren’t required to get a meal plan…but that doesn’t mean you won’t get one anyway.

Having the option to choose is just one more thing that makes you feel like you’ve made it to college and have finally started adulting, and Wildwood is one of the few dorms on campus that don’t require you to get a meal plan. Sure you don’t have to get a meal plan and you don’t need one considering there are kitchens on every floor of the dorm, but let’s be honest… are you really gonna cook for yourself? (No cold pizza doesn’t count).

What are other things you’ll only understand if you live in Wildwood at FSU? Feel free to comment below and share the article!
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