6 Stages of Class Registration at ESU

We all have to deal with it. Keep reading for the 6 stages of class registration at ESU we all know too well!
Stage 1: Receive an email from your advisor.
Before registration begins, be on the lookout for an email from your advisor. Or, if you want to get a head start on registration, reach out to your advisor beforehand and figure out when a good time would be to talk with them about classes.
Stage 2: Sign up for a meeting on your advisor’s door.
Make sure you sign up for a time that you are most definitely available for so you do not have to cancel your meeting. It is very important that you go and meet with them, especially the closer you get to graduating. You want to make sure that your credits, classes, and GPA are all in check before you keep moving forward.
Stage 3: Meet with your advisor.
Show up to the advising meeting slot that you signed up for. If you show up early, your advisor might even meet with you earlier than expected. That’s happened to me a few times since I’ve been at ESU and it’s such a relief to just get in there and get it done. These meetings hardly ever last the full amount of time.
Stage 4: Plan out your schedule.
When you meet with your advisor, they will give you a paper that breaks down each day and the hour slots classes are offered on that day. Set up the schedule you want for next semester and make sure to have it approved by your advisor.
Stage 5: Stay up until midnight to register.
Yes, some of the more type-A students like me stay up until midnight on the day we’re allowed to register just to make sure we get into every class we want. It’s a bit crazy, but registration happens so quickly that it’s important to ensure you make it into your classes, especially if it’s a class required for your major. Many of us deprive ourselves of sleep to try and get into all of our class. Unfortunately, some of us stay up late just to find out our advisor gave us the wrong date and we really don’t even register for like another week.
Stage 5: Get waitlisted.
You mean I stood up until midnight and still didn’t get into classes I wanted? Now, you have to wait for people to drop the class and once they do, ESU will email you and give you 24 hours to add the class into your schedule or they’ll move on to the next student in line. Now, not everyone gets waitlisted but you probably will at least once in your four years at ESU.
Stage 6: Finalize your schedule and get ready for next semester!
Your schedule is complete, especially if you didn’t get waitlisted (lucky you!). All that’s left is to finalize your schedule and make sure it still works for you and prepare yourself for a whirlwind next semester.
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Featured image source: pagnes.com, thestroudcourier.com
Justin is a psychology major. He is studying at East Stroudburg University. He loves playing video games and is addicted to Sour Patch Kids.