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5 Ways to Adjust to Freshman Year at CPP

5 Ways to Adjust to Freshman Year at CPP

5 Ways to Adjust to Freshman Year at CPP

Going to a new campus takes a while to get used to… now you’re at a new school and in different living quarters. Taking a tour at Cal Poly Pomona is awesome, but there is so much more to know about it. Here are some tips that will help you live your life to the fullest at CPP!



1. Make the most out of the 8th wonder of the world…the BRIC.

The Bronco Recreation and Intramural Complex, aka the BRIC, is one of the BEST physical fitness complexes in any university across the US. Whether you’re Ruler of the Couch or the next Dwayne (The Rock) Johnson, the BRIC is the place for you! There are multiple free weights, machines, and courts for everyone to get down in this Bronco no flex zone. If muscle building isn’t your thing but you like getting a good workout in, there are multiple group fitness classes available that are led by motivational and encouraging instructors.

There’s many group fitness classes available like yoga, cycling, Zumba, boxing, body sculpting and many more. Click here to check out the monthly schedules. If you have considered a class that you have no experience in… go for it! Exercising is so much better when you’re having fun. You can go with some of the new friends that you’ve made or go alone and meet new people there! Exercising is a great stress reliever especially for us college students on this fast quarter system.



2. Make sure you plan ahead. Always. Every day.

…Multiple times a day….Here are some words of wisdom from Benjamin Franklin… “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” True dat! As you know CPP is on the quarter system meaning you have to hold yourself together for about 10 weeks at a time. Though I was great at planning ahead throughout my high school career, I found in college it is turned up a notch or two… or five. To make it successfully through each class I planned ahead by the hour, day, week, month, and quarter.

Tip: Be sure to keep a small planner with you so you can always pencil in meet ups for group projects, meals with friends, upcoming midterms/finals, workout times, study times etc. If you’re a little more on the artsy side try to make your own bullet journal (find great examples of bullet journals on Pinterest)!



3. Look for your classrooms before the first day of school!

Some professors are flexible with being on time to class sessions but most of them are not. You are expected to be on time every day of class- no excuses. I learned that quickly at the start of each course. To stay on your professor’s good-side make sure to go to each one of your class rooms BEFORE the first day. Many rooms are hard to find especially being new to the campus. Also know where your professor’s office hours are. You never know when you will have a quick question and need to see a professor before they leave their office.

4. Don’t be shy to use the library of champs and all of the amazing resources it has to offer students!

The library provides numerous free things! There are beneficial workshops for all majors and interests. On the second floor there is the LRC or Learning Resource Center. At the LRC you can get free tutoring in multiple subjects. Don’t feel badly about asking for help. There are awesome broncos there to help you succeed at CPP so feel free to drop in. They cover your preferences by offering group, one-on-one, and online tutoring! Stop failing that class and use what the library has to offer. You’ll be sure to go 0 to 100 real quick!

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5. Free printers exist on campus, make sure you know where they are!

Printers-R-us. Scattered across this hilly campus are printers. In most of the buildings there are multiple printers which are perfect for easy access when you’re in a rush (just be sure you already have money in your account). Most peeps have a printer in their dorm. For those who don’t and also don’t want to make it rain money every time you need to print, know the free printing areas. The cultural organizations on campus allow you to print for free!


Pro Tip #1: These generous lifesavers are located across from the Career Center or right by the Campus Center Marketplace (for those who only pay attention to food land marks). Walk right in and ask to use their printer.

Pro Tip #2: Be sure to take a look around and get to know some of the peeps in there. The cultural centers are friendly, you’re sure to make some connections in one of them.

By the end of my first year I had used the above points to make my way around campus and get things done. Like all Pokemon fans I’m sure you “wanna be the very best” so I hope these tips help you to adjust and do awesome things at CPP!

What tips do you have to make freshman year at CPP easier? Comment below and share the article!
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