5 Types of Shoes You Need at UF

Living in Gainesville requires every Gator to be prepared with the proper attire, and most importantly, the proper types of shoes for the roller coaster weather you will surely endure. Shoes are easily overlooked but arguably the most important (and practical) part of any outfit. Depending on what your style is, the types of shoes you own will vary. However, this is for certain: you need to make sure you have all the right shoes for the University of Florida weather. Keep reading for the 5 types of shoes you need at UF in Gainesville!
1. Rain Boots
When it rains in Gainesville, it pours! Rain boots for this campus are an absolute necessity. Fortunately, they are available in many styles and colors of your choosing. Since you will be using them over the next four+ years while at UF, don’t be afraid to splurge on these. You want a good quality pair that will withstand all amounts of rain. If you want to play it safe, get a nice black, glossy pair; these will go with all of your outfits throughout the years. If you are feeling more adventurous, get a pair that has a pop of color or fun print!
instagram.com/hunterboots | classygirlswearpearls.com
2. Leather Boots
3. Slip-On Sandals
4. Running Shoes
oraclefox.com | bowsandsequins.com
5. High Heels
Every girl should have a nice pair of “adult” heels. At UF, there are so many opportunities to get involved on campus, and most of them involve an interviewing process. Being able to dress professionally is a skill you will surely need to master. The perfect pair of low pumps or flats are vital in finishing off a professional outfit.
If you know you’ll have a lot more events to go to, then you’ll need a pair daytime and nighttime sandals and wedges. What distinguishes them is the type of fabric their made of, for nighttime, think higher heels, suede and leather and for daytime think chunkier heels, woven fabrics and brighter colors.