If you are currently a government politics major or are considering studying it, you should definitely consider these five tips!
Understanding that everyone has different opinions is very important when pursuing a government politics degree. Everyone has different religions, upbringings, and experiences that affect their ideals and opinions. Trying to force someone to agree with you can make you seem like a bully. Being a bully in politics may seem like a good thing for a politician, but it is definitely not a good reputation to have for a college student. Voicing your opinion is important, but do not put down others for voicing them as well.
It is a given that if you are a government politics major, you probably have had very strong ideas for a long time. After being a Politics major for three years now, I have learned to listen to other people’s opinions and stay open minded. This is especially needed if you intend to become a politician. The people you will eventually want to represent will want to vote for someone they believe will listen to their questions and concerns. Staying quiet is not always easy, especially for those who are very passionate about politics, but listening to others is essential.
Staying informed is a key aspect to being a government politics major. Politics affects everyone, and everything affects politics. It is important to stay up to date with those changes. One good way to stay informed is to sign up for informative, reliable, magazines or newspapers like the New York Times. Many magazines, like The Economist, are a great source and give reduced rates for students as well. If you are on a budget and cannot afford to subscribe to anything, a good and free option is social media. Following reporters and newspapers and magazines that they work for, will keep you informed as well.
It is important to have core beliefs as a government politics major, but it is not the end of the world if those ideals begin to change. As you get older and experience more things, certain ideas that you had before may alter. College is the best place to learn and gain solid ideals on how you want to live the rest of your life. As you learn more and more about politics and the way government works, things may begin to look a lot different. Opinions on people and ideas will change, and even expand. Knowing that your political knowledge is growing and changing is a good thing. It shows that your education is increasingly shaping you as a person, which it should be doing!
The only way to get your voice heard is to speak your mind. Being a government politics major includes getting into debates and having others hear what you have to say. Working in both Government and Politics requires you to know how to speak up loud and clear. Not everyone is comfortable speaking in front of people, but one way to get more comfortable is to take a speech class. Speech classes are very helpful and force you to try and get over the very common fear. If you are unable to do that, reading aloud an essay or just something random from a magazine in front of friends can help you feel a lot more comfortable. Speaking aloud is not the most essential part of being a government politics major, but it is important.
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