5 Questions To Form A Bond With Your Roommate
One of the great parts about college is getting to know people from different cities and sometimes even different countries. Try asking your roommate where they grew up. People love talking about themselves and you learn so much more about them. Get familiar with where they are from because it might be a place they’ll want to show you one day. Learning about where they’re from is also a mirror into their upbringing. Keep an open mind and see where you too share similar values. Try digging deeper by asking them questions like “What do you miss more about home” or “Are you looking forward to anything here that you don’t have back home” Those types of questions might open the conversation more for them to share.
You can also share some of the places you like to visit in your hometown or college town. Start off by checking out any local cafes, book stores. Tailor it to your interests because I’m sure they’ll want an outlook on your life as well.
You’re sharing a space with your roommate and you should know who she’s bringing around. More importantly, this question will allow you to set boundaries for each other to avoid any fights later. If they are single, discuss how comfortable you are with guys coming over. An important point to know is, how often will this be happening? Don’t be afraid to state your concerns and what you feel comfortable with. Same goes for if they are in a relationship. You should know how present their partner will be in the dorm and if any sleeping arrangements have to be made. Part of living together is compromising with your roommate. Neither you or her will always have it your way. I suggest working out a system where they or you can have the room to themselves when they need it. Having this talk now will cut out any weirdness as you go.
Definitely try to form a connection with your roommate. By being friends or friendly with one another, you’re able to work through little living situations with them without it being a blowout fight. The more you learn about them, the closer you’ll become.
One way to get to know your roommate is by asking about their major. Probably one of the most asked questions you’ll get, but it can also tell you more about them than you think. A person’s major tells you about their life goals and interests. Whether they are a Science or Art related major, it can also show how they think. One of the fun secrets about dorm life is that they tend to pair people up based on similarities you have. Sometimes it’s majors, sports, birthdays, Resident Advisors pay attention to that when assigning rooms. Start off by asking this question to your roommate and see where that takes you. People always have great reasons why they are pursuing a major. Whether it’s a family legacy, an event in their lives that lead them there, or a pure admiration for work their major does. You’re learning about where their passion is rooted from.
Sometimes people feel that because you have a different major from your roommate, that might mean you won’t have much to talk about. Not true. College is a time to try new things, including new and different. If you’re to bond with your roommate, consider taking a class together. Your first two years of college are about getting your General Ed classes locked down anyways. Enjoy each other’s differences, but also find points you can relate together.
Okay, I know it sounds like a silly question to ask your roommate. Truth is, it’s actually really important. You have to know if she’s the type of person that’d be down for a Saturday shopping spree or waking you up Sunday morning for a 10 mile hike. Both really good options depending on your likes. You should share your likes and dislikes with one another. For example, if you’re someone that likes shopping, but dislikes outdoor activities or vice versa, that will save you the uncomfortable situation of saying no when they ask you to go with them. You want to get to know your roommate, don’t feel bummed if you don’t have everything in common. I always say you should have a friend for every occasion. If you’re someone that likes to shop, then take them for a new outfit you’re planning to wear to the party tonight. You also need the friend that’s down to go on hiking trail and is comfortable in nature.
If you’re up for it, maybe try meeting them half way and see what they can show you. You’re in college and their so many cool events and programs going on around. Why not step out of your comfort zone and try out something both of you haven’t experienced. You’re both new to living together, maybe even new to town or campus. Try exploring each others likes, it might become something you guys like doing together.
Just like the last one, this is also important information. Are they someone who likes to hit the clubs on a Friday night or would rather sit on the couch and binge watch T.V. with you. Both sides are equally great, which is why I want to address them separately. If you’re looking for someone to bar hop the night away, find out if they’re that girl. Ask them about how comfortable they are about going out at night. You never want to make someone feel focused to go out just to make friends. If they’re the type to rally all night, make an afternoon of it. A great way to bond together is by helping each other pick out clothes or each other’s hair.
If they’re a cozy camper looking to stay and watch movies, this might be your type too. Get into some comfy pjs, watch some movies together and share a couple laughs. Some of the best memories I have of college is watching movies with my roommate after getting off of work or out of class. We’d have Netflix set up as soon as the other got home. You can get so close by just sitting around.
What better way to bond with your roommate then by putting these 5 questions to the test! Let us know how close you got.
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