5 Benefits of Living at OU During Break

Ahh, living in Athens when school is not in session (okay, besides online classes, maybe). This is the dream of every Bobcat, right? All the glorious things living at OU has to offer but without the stress of the school year. Although I could go on and on about how excited I am and how I’ve waited for this very moment since my freshman orientation, but heck it’s break so I’ll keep it short.
1. Less Students
Don’t get me wrong: I love my Bobcat family, but it’ll be nice to be able to walk on Court Street without shoulder checking everyone. The thought of campus being pretty dead is a serene one. Walking up Morton Hill in silence is an odd, yet satisfying thing.
2. No Lines
Okay, so there will still be lines but they will be so much shorter. No more crowding the counter at Big Mamma’s, no more hour long waits at USD. I can walk right in and steal the window seat at Bagel Street Deli. Life is good.
3. Apartment Living
I get to live in an apartment. You know more than just two beds in a tiny jail-cell of a room? Not sharing a ‘home’ with 300 other screaming residents? The only thing better than that is I GET MY OWN BATHROOM!!!! Hallelujah. No more mysterious razors hanging around or gross hair on the tiny shower walls. MY shower, MY mirror, mine. It’s all mine.
4. Adventures: Athens Style
Living at OU has so many things to offer during the school year but the tiny town’s activities extend during break. Brew week, boogie on the bricks, The Athens County Fair, music festivals and the list goes on and on. Not to mention that Athens is 20 minutes away from multiple state parks. I can go to Hocking Hills and not feel guilty about the twenty assignments hanging over my head. Heck, I might even get myself an Athens Brick (the ones that aren’t shiny and sold on Court street). I would say sorry, but I’m not.
5. Being an Adult
Call me crazy, but I’m actually really excited to pay my own bills, clean my own apartment and cook my own food. I get to be an adult while still having the time of my life in the city that I get to call hOUme.
What are some other benefits of living at OU during break? Comment below and share this article with friends!
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Living on a diet of whatever can fit in my dorm mini fridge, skipping from class to class and falling in love with every dog I see.