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5 Things Every Intern Should Know Before Working New York Fashion Week

5 Things Every Intern Should Know Before Working New York Fashion Week

Interning for New York Fashion Week is probably many people’s dream. But if you or someone you know does land this opportunity, be sure to read about these 5 things first!

1.Practical is Professional

Yes, those nude Louboutin Heels will look great at New York Fashion Week, but one thing you will learn is that as an intern at NYFW timing is everything! If you have to guide Anna Wintour to the VIP lounge in five minutes, are you going to make her wait for 10 minutes because your feet hurt? I hope not! Remember that everything about NYFW is on a timed schedule, which means that if you are even a minute late you can cause a company to lose an interview with a notable editor, miss a show or even worse lose the opportunity to meet an industry idol like Anna Wintour! That said, you can still dress chic and be comfortable. When planning your outfit go for more neutral colors like black, grey and navy blue, so you don’t stand out too much or look unprofessional. Find small ways to make your outfit pop with a cool pair of glasses, flats or accessories and maybe you’ll even get lucky enough to get your picture snapped by a notable magazine photographer.

2. Business Cards are Your Best Friend

As cool as it is to tell all of your friends that you are working NYFW, don’t forget that this is a once in a lifetime opportunity to network with many professionals within the fashion and entertainment industries. Invest in a box of business cards that you are truly proud of.  Review your contact information to make sure everything is up to date and give out your cards to people you meet every chance you get. You never know who can help you in this industry, and giving something so small as a business card to someone you happen to have a great conversation with can go a long way.


3. Know Your Stuff

Study, Study, Study! The worst things an intern can do is show up to NYFW and not know anything about the shows that day, what time the shows begin or even anything about the designer. Most of the people you meet at NYFW have been working in the industry for years and in order to impress them, let alone have a conversation with them, you have to speak their language. You should be able to form educated opinions and be a resource for things going on not just at NYFW, but in the fashion industry in general. The easiest way to do this effectively is to be confident and the best way to be confident is to study. Read magazines like WWD and Business of Fashion on the morning train ride to the NYFW venue every day. Understand what people are saying about certain shows and even read about what patterns are noticed in certain shows in past years. You can never study too much.

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4. Take Care of Yourself

As said before, everything about NYFW is very fast paced. Workdays are long, breaks are scarce and if you are an intern chances are you are on your feet all day. Situations like this can cause a lot of stress, anxiety, fatigue and sickness, which is the last thing you want when you are trying to be your best. At the end of the night, although you may be invited to a cool exclusive party in the city with the Kardashians, kindly say no, and head back home for a good night’s rest so you can kill the day’s tasks in the morning. Take your vitamins, eat a healthy breakfast and grab a few snacks to eat throughout the day because your body is the only thing that is going to help you make it through the NYFW events.


5. Live a Little

Have fun, break a few rules, be a bit of a rebel, and get what you want. Nothing in life is going to come to you, you have to go out and get it and that same mentality goes for interning at NYFW. Your fashion week experience will only be as good as you make it. If you want to see that cool Ralph Lauren show, sneak in when the guards aren’t looking and make your way to the back area seating. Meet new people and make friends with other interns. If you spot your favorite editor from InStyle, confidently say hello to him or her and start a conversation if time permits. Confidence and good judgment can go a long way, so if you have a little fun you never know what great opportunities you can create for yourself.

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