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5 Reasons To Have A One Night Stand

5 Reasons To Have A One Night Stand

A one night stand is usually defined as a sexual relationship lasting only one night. But let’s just call it for what it is: a booty call.

A one night stand is usually defined as a sexual relationship lasting only one night. But let’s just call it for what it is: a booty call.

Most college students fall into one of two categories when it comes to one night stands; those who gloat about their adventure, adding a tally to their conquests, and those who prefer to keep their midnight rendezvous on the hush. While there is definitely a lot of taboo concerning the topic, here are five reasons why one night stands might prove to be good for you after all.

1. It boosts your self esteem

Having a one night stand helps build higher self esteem. Having sex usually ups your confidence and allows you to be more comfortable in your body. If someone is clearly into you, the feeling is mutual, and the results are a night of enjoyable sex – you will definitely feel a big ego boost in the morning!

2. It’s liberating

One night stands allow you the opportunity to express yourself. Don’t be scared to tell your partner the things that turn you on, do something you didn’t have the courage to do before. It’s okay to experiment, in fact, you’ll feel incredibly liberated when you decide to open up.

3. You can leave the emotions out

Yes, you can have great sex without being in love. You don’t have to love a person to be highly attracted to them physically and sexually, and that is completely fine. Because one night stands are quick and simple, there is no need to establish a relationship that you are not looking for nor do you want. There is no emotional involvement or obligations; and that is the glory of it.

4. No strings attached

YOU can set the terms on what you will and won’t allow. This allows you to stay in control of the situation. Make sure it is understood to your partner, and most importantly yourself, that this is a one night gig (unless, of course, you both want more). After it’s all said and done you both can leave with no strings attached.

5. It’s fun

If there’s one thing that can be said about one night stands, it’s that there usually a lot of fun. Because you can take out all the emotions, the baggage and the stress that can come along with relationships – there’s a lot less pressure which makes for a more enjoyable experience.

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But remember ladies and gents, you should always practice safe sex – even more so when having casual sex, so just be careful.


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