5 New Netflix Shows: Reviewed

I’m pretty sure that I’m not the only one who has noticed an influx of Netflix producedshows going up lately. If I am, it’s just a testament to how much of my time I spend watching Netflix and not whatever it is my parents sent me here for. Since we’ve now established that I am an expert, I will now not only do you a favor by watching the new shows for you, but also by giving you what is sure to be an amazing review for each one. I have been given an opportunity to be a critic and be praised for it. And to think, they said I’d never be a movie critic. Okay, so “they” is really the voice in my head that laughs when I think about working out and these aren’t movies but the point remains! Keep reading for 5 new Netflix shows reviews!
1. Cuckoo
- 4/5 for amusement
- 5/5 for pure frustration at the lack of Taylor Lautner
- 4/5 for how much of a pretentious douche Andy’s character is
My friends and I picked it solely because Taylor Lautner is front and center in its cover picture and we are not ashamed of this fact. I mean, c’mon…no matter what team you were rooting for he is great to look at. So we watched about three episodes with the noticeable absence of Taylor Lautner (just in case you were wondering). Seriously, how is he on the cover photo but not in the first three episodes?! My trust in you is waning Netflix!
Despite that, Cuckoo is actually really entertaining. The acting is superb and it’s also a British comedy! I positively adore British comedy because of how understated it is. Another surprise was that Andy Samberg is in it, and he’s also really entertaining. Who doesn’t enjoy The Lonely Island? (Which is his band if you didn’t know…) His character is the best part of the show, especially his relationship and interaction with the father character in the show. After Googling the show, I discovered that our boy Taylor only shows up in the second season. Despite this, give it a go. P.S The mom is played by the actress who played Emily in Friends (just to save you the frustration of trying to figure it out).
2. Love
- 5/5 for how awkward it was to watch
- 4/5 for freeing the nipple
- 2/5 for entertainment value
This is a show created by Judd Apatow (Bridesmaids, Wanderlust, This is 40). I can’t really say what I expected but it was certainly not this. This was recommended to me by my friend, and I chose to watch it in the laundry room to kill time. Bad move on my part. There’s a sex scene in the first five minutes and I just about had a heart attack trying to switch it off so that nobody in the laundry room would think I was watching porn. Of course, this is the moment my brain chooses to shut down and I forget how to stop the episode. Safe to say that was a fail. Embarrassing faux pas aside, I only watched the first episode and I found it hard to watch. I didn’t enjoy this one. To me it was kind of like a bad indie movie. I like indie movies as much as the next person, but nothing is more draining or painful to watch than a bad indie movie. I felt like the characters were extremely awkward, insecure and just very problem riddled. Still, give it a try.
3. The Ranch
- 4/5 for the That 70s Show feels
- 3/5 for Ashton’s dad bod
- 4/5 for entertainment value
If you want to see Ashton Kutcher and Danny Masterson (he was in a great show, Men at Work, watch it) reunited then this is the show for you. However if you want to see Ashton Kutcher play a serious role, this is NOT the show for you. Granted, it’s more serious than his usual roles and definitely more serious than I’ve seen him in a while. But it’s guaranteed that this is Ashton and Danny like you’ve never seen them before. Their chemistry is still pretty good, probably because they’re friends in real life. *Holds up cue card for audience* Awwww. It’s very funny and I definitely want to see more.
It’s not something I’d expect to see Ashton in but I think he does it very well. The character relationships are already pretty well formed. There wasn’t a thing about the pilot episode I didn’t like. Well…I mean there is one scene, SPOILER ALERT, where a wad of cash ends up on the ground while it rains and they COMPLETELY ignore it. My heart bled. “Imagine all the food I could buy with all that money,” I thought. “Did they ever pick up that money?” I wondered as I lay in bed that night.
4. Chelsea Does…
- 4/5 for thought provoking content
- 3/5 for humor
- 5/5 for interviewing the creators of Ashley Madison on there
This was probably the one show I was most excited to watch because I’d seen a snippet of it earlier when my friend was watching, and it looked interesting. It also looked like Chelsea Handler stepping out of comedy and doing something a little more serious. It was kind of what I expected. Chelsea is definitely more serious and more vulnerable. The show is really a four-episode documentary on topics she’s interested in.
I found the first episode really interesting, especially because Chelsea made it so personal. It was definitely a little long, especially for someone who has an attention span shorter than a five year old’s, like myself. It’s an hour long and that’s just really a stretch for me, I started twitching from sitting still for that long. There were definitely some moments where I felt like her disapproval of certain opinions was very apparent, but I could be wrong, and she’s very hard to read.
5. DeGrassi: Next Class
- 1/5 for having a girl whose passion is music, and auto-tuning her to death
- 3/5 for number of storylines going on at once
- 3/5 for general entertainment value
Cue eye rolls and scoffing. That’s all I did as I watched. If you were to start watching this regularly it’d definitely be a guilty pleasure. Just to put it out there, I didn’t watch the original show but I saw this as an opportunity to make up for what I never had. How wrong I was! Maybe this is a sign that my days of watching teen dramas are over. This was like 90210 “lite”/ “Diet” 90210. My favorite line, “Is your pool party Prada back from the cleaners?” That had me in stitches!
The kids are young and their acting isn’t up to Leonardo DiCaprio standards. I couldn’t even picture my little sister watching this and being hooked on it the way I was, (and let’s be honest, still am), with Gossip Girl. Ah yes, no one will ever master a take down quite like Blair did. All that said, this show has potential, it really does. It’s a little hackneyed, but I still recommend giving it a try. It’ll definitely cheer you up when you’ve had a long day.
What are some other new Netflix shows reviews? Do you agree or disagree? Comment below and share this article with friends!
Featured Image Source: when-release., whatsonnetflix.com
Tiara Msiza is a 19 year old girl who’s wandered far from home but not nearly far enough. No major as of yet but interests (things she can’t live without) include: writing, reading, singing, listening to music and having a great time by exploring as much of the world of possible.