5 Characters That Could Have Been A On Pretty Little Liars

If you have never seen Pretty Little Liars, let me get you up to speed. The show revolves around four teenage girls, Aria, Emily, Hanna, and Spencer, who are dealing with the mysterious disappearance of their queen bee, Alison. Sooner after Alison’s body is discovered, they begin to receive texts and notes from an anonymous figure, going by the initial, “A” who knows all of their secrets, and is not afraid to reveal them.
Warning! Spoilers ahead, so if you have not watched Pretty Little Liars, go check it out now!
Throughout the series, different characters are revealed as A, however, the end of the show concludes with A.D, or the uber A, being Spencer’s evil twin sister, Alex Drake. Although it has been years since the series concluded, fans of the show continue to play detective and theorize characters who would have made great A’s. Here are 5 that I think would have fit the black hoodie!
1. Alison Dilaurentis
Alison’s character always had such a mystery to her. We see through flashbacks in the early seasons how she often mistreated the girls and used their secrets against them, much like A did! The liars even considered the possibility of Ali being A before her body was discovered.
Now, we know that Alison was revealed to be alive in later seasons. She had been hiding in plain sight for years, and nobody ever discovered her. A good trait for A to have, don’t you think? She kept the secret of being alive from the liars, as well as other secrets that could have helped the girls get closer to figuring out the identity of their tormentor. She loved to play mind games, and the A game is the biggest one of all.
Not to mention, the initials “A” and “A.D” could stand for Alison Dilaurentis!
2. Wren Kingston
When I first started watching Pretty Little Liars, I thought Wren would be revealed as the final A. He was always super shady, doing things like kissing both Hanna and Spencer and meeting with Shana.
Wren is also a doctor, yet it is never revealed what type of doctor he actually is. He goes from helping Emily out in the hospital with a stomach ulcer, to treating mental patients at the Radley Sanitarium. Kind of suspicious if you ask me. Throughout the series, we also see the liars being tormented by things that require medical expertise, such as Hanna getting a note put between her teeth, the girls having a chip placed in the back of their necks, etc. Who else would know how to execute these procedures other than a doctor?
It is mentioned several times throughout Pretty Little Liars that all roads lead back to Radley. And who had an all access pass to Radley? Wren. He even secretly supplied Charlotte Drake a visitor pass at one point, who was revealed as A in season 6.
3. Ezra Fitz
Ezra is another character that had a lot of shady tendencies. We know that it was revealed that Ezra knew Aria and all of the liars before coming to teach at Rosewood High School. He had a previous relationship with Alison and was documenting the liar’s secrets for years while in a relationship with Aria. He had a pretty elaborate lair too, was all that really just for a book?
Not to mention, A seemingly went a lot easier on Aria than the rest of the liars. Ezra could have been genuinely in love with Aria while being A, and that is why she did not get as many threats. Also, A could have easily outed Ezra and Aria’s relationship to the police but they never did.
Finally, Ezra’s family is extremely wealthy. In season 6 of the show, the liars are trapped in an underground lair known as the dollhouse, which is equipped with exact replicas of each of the girl’s bedrooms, a morgue, and various other rooms and passageways. I always wondered who would be able to afford this, and the only character that comes from wealth is Ezra.
4. Alison’s Twin
Now we know that Alison did not actually have a twin in the series. However, in the book series, she had a twin named Courtney. If you have not read the book series, you should check it out! They follow different plotlines than the show. I do not want to spoil too much, but both Alison and Courtney had a lot of secrets.
It was suspected that Alison had a twin in the TV show as well, but the creators of the show wanted to switch things up from the book. When it was revealed that Alison was alive in season 4, we discovered that a girl named Bethany Young was buried in her place. I think it would have made a great storyline if it was Ali or her twin instead!
5. Aria Montgomery
As I stated earlier, Aria was not tormented as badly as the other girls were. Emily had a car go straight through her house, Hanna was trapped in an underground bunker alone, and Spencer was shot. Aria did have her struggles, but none as bad as the other liars.
The A messages also begin right when Aria returns home from Iceland. Coincidence?
We also see throughout the series that Aria has a little bit of a dark side, such as when she destroys her dad’s office when it is revealed that he is having an affair, and when she kills Shana in New York.
There is also one scene from Pretty Little Liars that always sticks out to me when I think of this theory. Eddie Lamb, a nurse at Radley, once asked Aria if they had met before because she looked familiar. It would have made so much sense if it was revealed that Aria spent time in Radley as a child.