5 Best Pizza Places Near The New School

Who doesn’t like pizza? There’s a topping combination for everyone! After a long study session, what better way to relax than with a great slice of NYC style pizza? Here are the five best pizza places near The New School!
1. Joe’s Pizza
150 E 14th St
This is classic New York City pizza. This place is affordable even in the city and is open late. Their plain cheese pizza is delicious! If you go to any of the places on this list, go to Joe’s. Definitely the best near New School!
2. Crocodile Lounge
325 E 14th St, New York, NY 10003
Such a gem! You get a free mini pizza with every beverage but don’t worry if you’re underage, they also have skee-ball and a photo booth downstairs.
3. 2 Bros Pizza
601 Ave of the Americas #1, New York, NY 10011
This is a great place to go when you want a deal and need it fast. The pizza is delicious and their 2 pizzas and a drink for $3.95 is a deal worth taking!! Can it get better than that?
4. Famous 99 Cent Pizza
430 E 14th St, New York, NY 10009
The name is what draws people in the pizza and price keeps people coming back. They constantly have fresh pizza coming out of the oven and they move swiftly. As a student, eating out, especially around Union Square, can seriously make a dent in your wallet. If you’re strapped for cash and only have a couple of bucks this is the best place to go.
5. Rosa’s Pizza
2 W 14th St, New York, NY 10011
Right across the street from the New School University Center is this amazingly affordable pizza shop. Some favorites are the plain cheese, margarita, and chicken and tomato. If you can’t get to the other places fast enough, this pizza will definitely be great!