5 Apps That Can Help You Organize Your Busy College Schedule

Just made your semester schedule and you’re already overwhelmed? Us too. Semesters can get really packed quickly. You may think that you can handle 5 classes because you did just fine in high school, but college is a lot crazier. Don’t worry because in the age of the internet there are tons of apps that can help you plan out your busy college schedule. Get organized with a few of the apps that we’re telling you about and don’t worry about finding free time this weekend, because your week is already planned out! Some people don’t love their lives being planned down to the minute but trust us when we say that these apps will change your busy college schedule forever.
Class Schedule Planner & Tasks
Downloading this app will change your life forever. Is the typical daily planner that you once carried with you throughout high school just not working for you anymore? Add your busy college schedule into this app and let it do the planning for you. When you add your class schedule to this app, it organizes them in a way that is both appealing to the eyes and shows you just how much time you have left in your day. The app will make you feel like you have more time in your day by adding a countdown to each of your classes, showing you how much time is left until your next task or class needs to start.
Something we love about this app for our iPhones is that you can add widgets to your home screen from this app. That way, you can add your busy college schedule to your home screen and check it whenever you need to. Hopefully with this download, you’ll never forget about a class again!
Do! – Simple To Do List
Looking for something a little more laid back? We don’t blame you. Having your entire day planned out to the minute can be a little more overwhelming than it sounds. If you’re simply looking for something to organize your daily tasks – we’ve got you covered. Not everyone needs to plan out all their classes, chores, and assignments every day. This to-do list app can be extremely helpful for calming nerves and organizing the tasks that you need to get done in a day. Since this app isn’t as strict with countdowns and such, it adds a simple organization tool to your life.
This is another app that allows you to add widgets to your home screen. Add all of the simple tasks that you need to do in the day to the app and add the widget to your home screen. You can plan out a couple days in advance, or just plan your day out the morning of. Either way, this is a great way to organize your busy college schedule and still get things done on time.
TimeBloc – Daily Planner
We have to say – this app has the cutest layout! This app organizes your schedule day by day and breaks down how much time each activity will take. It breaks down the amount of free time you have and prompts you to add more to your schedule to get more done. Finding yourself not spending your time effectively? This app will be a big help in planning as much as you can into your time. Not only can you plan your days out down to the minute, but you can also set the app to give you notifications when your new tasks and assignments need to be started.
Not only is the layout the cutest of them all, but using it is super simple. One of our favorite features is how easy it is to change things in your schedule. If you’re planning out exactly what assignments you need to do throughout your day, you might realize you want to do them in a different order or add yourself another break time. Luckily enough, you can simply drag your tasks to other parts of the day, and the app moves the rest of the timed tasks accordingly.
School Calendar by Studyr
If you might be looking for something with a more classic look, this app is for you. This ap has the look of a classic calendar app, showing you a week or a month at a time instead of hour-by-hour of your day. You can choose a day to view, add, or change the thing you need to do in those days. You can even add your grades to this app to keep track of them! Having your grades and assignments in one place can help you organize how much time you need to send on certain classes or assignments.
Since this app is made specifically for college students, you can also organize each task based on your class if you’d like. Specifically, you can change settings and colors for each individual class so that you can easily view what certain things you must do for that class each day.
Time Finder: Schedule Planner
This time blocking calendar lets you color code your events, classes, and assignments on the main page of your schedule. That way, you don’t have to think too hard about which class the task “Lecture” is for. As if that wasn’t good enough, the app lets you save events so that you can use them again at a late date. It lets you split screen the app so that you can easily drag and drop events to new or different dates and times.