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4 Signs You’re Just Sick Of Everyone

4 Signs You’re Just Sick Of Everyone

People can be tough to handle. You might reach a point when you just give up on trying and accept the fact that they’re hopeless and you’re just sick of everyone’s BS. If you relate to at least one of these signs, you have reached your breaking point and are most definitely sick of everyone.

Social media trimming

One day, while scrolling down your Facebook newsfeed, you stumble upon a picture of this crazy party from that one friend of yours who seems like she’s constantly traveling. And it hits you: enough is enough. You then proceed to spend hours unfriending people and feeling quite accomplished from it. If you’re especially sour, you’ll be that girl who posts about unfriending people like everyone who made the cut should be proud of themselves.

Stranger danger

You’ve spent years of your life being friendly, sociable and meeting new people whenever you could. You’ve earned the right to batten down the social hatches, allow your closest friends in your good graces and accept that the universe has no one else worthy of your time to offer. This is when you need the exact list of people coming to any sort of event before you can commit and when you need a great reason to go out in the first place.


Everything is personal

Why is that car tailgating me? Why does everyone in front of me walk so slowly? Why is the waiter not solely focusing on my needs?

If this sounds like you, then you’re definitely sick of everyone. Every social interaction becomes a battle, and there’s no way you’re losing that battle. Watch the constant complaining though, chances are people are also getting sick of you.

See Also
Are you an astrology lover with an interest in researching your entire birth chart? We're here to tell you all about your Moon sign!


Kids are overrated

There I said it! They’re loud, smelly and just not that cute, except for Riley Curry, she’s flawless. If you agree with this, then you’re allergy to people has reached an even higher level.


Are you sick of everyone?! Feel free to let it all out in the comments!