27 Things I Want To Thank My Friends For

From awkward teenage years, to crazy college nights, to never-thought-I’d-see-the-day weddings; our friends have been there with us through every important (and not-so-important) moment of our lives. Over the years, and countless memories later, I’ve come to realize one thing – I have taken these friendships for granted; I have never really spent time to thank my friends for everything they’ve done and truly expressing my appreciation for these amazing people. So now I would like to formally thank each and every one of my friends for, well, being my friends. And more specifically,
I want to thank my friends for…
1. Putting up with my shit.
And letting me know when I need to just shut up and pull it together.
2. Not judging me when I don’t shower.
Or shave. Or bush my teeth. (The list goes on.)
3. Sharing a whole pizza so I don’t eat the entire thing by myself.
Followed by a tub of Ben & Jerry’s.
4. Stopping me from sending that drunk text.
Seriously. Thank you.
5. Being completely honest with me.
Whether I like it or not.
6. Doing absolutely nothing with me.
And enjoying every second of it.
7. Listening to ridiculous vent sessions.
8. Being weirder than I am.
9. Knowing “what’s wrong.”
10. Telling me not to wear that outfit.
11. Convincing us that we want to go to the gym.
And leaving after 5 minutes of being there.
12. Dropping everything you’re doing and coming over when I need you.
13. Being my “Oh sorry, I have to answer this call” scapegoat.
In other words, I’d like to thank my friends for saving me from some unbearable dates.
14. Letting me know I deserve better.
15. Picking up the phone.
At 3 in the morning.
16. Accepting me into your family.
I would like to thank my friends’ families for this one as well.
17. Supporting my decisions…
even when they are wrong.
18. Not correcting me when I sing the wrong song lyrics.
19. Keeping me entertained with ugly ass Snapchat selfies.
20. Knowing exactly what I need…before I do.
21. Liking every single one of Instagram pictures.
22. Giving me a hug when I need it the most.
23. Bringing me disgustingly greasy food when I’m hungover AF.
Quarter pounder with cheese, large fries, Sprite. And a hashbrown. Or two.
24. Providing me with an infinite number of amazing memories.
25. Loving me unconditionally.
26. Being you.
27. Last but not least, I would like to thank my friends for being the best friends a girl could ask for.
Featured image source: and fantasticpixcool.com
Ashley is the Editorial Director of SOCIETY19. She is a graduate of Marist College with a degree in Business and Marketing.