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21 Reasons FSU Is The Best School On Earth

21 Reasons FSU Is The Best School On Earth

Everyone thinks that their university is the best and they’re entitled to their opinion. Florida State University has earned a lot of bragging rights over the years, from our fantastic football team to our competitive research programs. In my opinion, here are 21 reasons why FSU is the best school on Earth.

1. Unbeatable school colors!

We bleed garnet and gold—and that’s the best color combo in existence. There’s a reason J.K. Rowling chose similar colors for Gryffindor house, right? Can you imagine wearing boring blue and white or red and white? Or tacky orange and blue? Yuck! And most importantly, it looks good on everyone, and I mean EVERYONE. We look fierce and cute and ready to conquer the world!


With only four losses TOTAL in the past three seasons (2013-2015), FSU remains unconquered…and with top standings in the ACC. Our football team actually works like a team on the field and each individual has incredible stats! The Seminole spirit and dedication is embodied within our athletics department. And have you BEEN to a home game? The stadium is a sea of garnet and gold and a crazy fan base that outnumbers them all!



3. The Seminole Tradition!

There is no pregame in the world as exciting and more rooted in tradition than that of the Seminoles. The relationship between the Seminole Tribe and Florida State goes back 67 years, and the Seminole Tradition is a defining feature of the pride that FSU students hold for their beloved school. From the flaming spear of Chief Osceola and Renegade to the war chant in the stands to the “unconquered” motto, FSU’s tradition is unparalleled.

4. The Marching Chiefs!

THE Florida State University Marchiiiiiing Chiefs!…Another huge part of pregame, these talented musicians are the definition of Seminole spirit. They perform at every home game in the halftime show, from shows featuring Beyoncé’s “Single Ladies” to Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” (feat. The Marching Chief Zombies) to Star Wars and more, and travel all over the country to support their all-star football team at super bowls. You’d be crazy if you think you can sing the Fight Song over their deafening, strong, sonorous sound!



5. The College of Music!

Rated among the top 10 in the nation, FSU’s music program has top-notch faculty and the best of the best students. Gifted with a beautiful concert hall, Ruby Diamond, and a community passionate about music, the College of Music has incredible opportunities that no other college can hope to compete with. Symphony orchestras, concert bands, choral ensembles, and various singing groups and soloists of all instruments dominate the campus with their killer (yet beautiful) notes. Not to mention that a huge amount of our graduates have successful music careers in both education and the incredibly competitive performance career. Other top-of-the-line nationally ranked FSU colleges include the College of Law, the College of Business, and the College of Medicine.

6. Lit night life!

Although Tallahassee may not be a huge city lined with skyscrapers like “the city that never sleeps,” at night it is always bustling with life and lights! Tally is home to many hot clubs and late night bites! Bars, dancing, lookin’ good on and off campus, the students here love to party…as long as it doesn’t interfere with their studies, of course. 😉


7. Dedicated Greek Life community.

With about 18% of FSU’s 40,000+ student body representing 57 chapters, FSU Greek Life is a very involved community, taking part in anything from social work to scholarship to student government, and committed to making a difference in the world. FSU students are dedicated and passionate individuals who strive to positively represent their respective fraternities and sororities, and they do so with pride. The party atmosphere after a day’s hard work doesn’t hurt either!

8. Well-rounded academics.

So maybe FSU isn’t the best of the best in EVERY academic college, but how many state universities can say that almost every single one of their colleges are rated among the best in the nation? That’s right, not many! FSU offers 88 baccalaureate degrees, 102 master’s degrees, and 67 doctoral degrees. These range anywhere from motion picture arts to theater to social work to engineering to medicine to special education and more, making FSU one of the most diverse universities in academics.


9. Academic support is everywhere.

One of the best things about FSU is that its faculty and staff want you to succeed more than anything! You can tell just from walking onto campus that this school cares about you and is just waiting to show you how great you can be. The advisors and professors are extremely kind and helpful and always open to visits. Programs such as ACE Tutoring and C.A.R.E. (a program for first-time college students in their families) provide incredible care (see what I did there?) and support. There are eight libraries on campus and some of them are open almost 24/7. If you need help, it’s never been easier to find it!

10. Mouth watering food on campus.

Not only are FSU’s dining halls pretty fantastic (one is based on the Great Hall of Hogwarts after all), but the food in the student union and surrounding the campus will make you never want to leave Tallahassee. There is a Chili’s and an Einstein’s Bagels and Papa John’s IN THE HEART OF CAMPUS. We also have the classic Momo’s Pizza in town (they have pizza slices bigger than your head) and more grills & bars than you can even hope to choose from! You’ll never go hungry here.

11. Student Life Cinema

That’s right, we have a movie theater ON CAMPUS. Playing movies year round, this theater is just outside your doorstep and can play anything from the old classics to the newest movies fresh out of the theaters! And in the main lobby is any gamer’s dream: comfy sofas and chairs and rows of monitors with Xbox and Wii controllers and the sweet sound of lasers firing. If you ever need to chill out with your technology, look no further than the FSU grounds.


12. You’re never alone at FSU.

The FSU Counseling Center and Student Disability Resource Center (SDRC) is perhaps a hidden gem to students who might not have had a reason to ask for help before. The Counseling Center is open by phone 24/7—if something is seriously bothering you at 3 in the morning and you have no one else to go to, just give them a call! They are happy to assist you any hour of any day, and if you need urgent care, they have the resources to help you. The SDRC is also a great resource for students who are struggling in class due to some disability. Just register and get the accommodations you need to be on your way! If you’re ever feeling down, stressed, or completely overwhelmed, just know that you are not alone.

13. The REZ

Do you hate being stuck inside? Do you seek adventure and excitement? Well then, FSU has the perfect thing for you! The Rez is FSU’s place of campus recreation and it offers anything from wellness services to fitness groups to sports clubs to the outdoor pursuits program. This last one offers unique day trips, weekend trips, or even week-long trips to amazing locations across the country for a reasonable price. This can be anything from skiing to mountain climbing to hiking to white-water rafting! The Rez is a place to enhance your appreciation of the wilderness and to forge relationships with fellow adventure-seeking students.

14. International programs!

Perhaps you get bored of Tallahassee. Then it’s time to head over to the stadium and talk to a representative about traveling overseas! FSU offers a wide range of study abroad programs and internships and volunteer opportunities to locations on almost every continent. Looking to improve your Spanish while taking a chemistry class? FSU has its own campus in Valencia, Spain! Looking for an internship? London, England could be your dream come true, with internships in anything from business to fashion to politics. Italy, Panama, China, Russia, Tanzania, Peru, the world is your oyster here at FSU!



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15. Undergraduate research pushing limits.

FSU has received national recognition as one of the best research-based universities. Currently, 25% of FSU’s undergraduate student body is engaged in research outside of the classroom, whether through a program such as the Undergraduate Research Program (UROP) or in collaboration with a professor whose research they have expressed an interest in. Whether it’s research in STEM or in the humanities, any student can find something that interests them. The Center for Undergraduate Research and Academic Engagement continues to get students involved in research and organize events to showcase the high quality work of our hardworking students.

16. FSU’S fountains, that you can actually swim in.

Every fountain across FSU’s campus is swimming certified. What? You mean I can just throw on a bathing suit and chill in a fountain and I won’t get arrested for it even in the dead of night? Exactly. If you’re studying on Landis Green and the sun is beating down on you, just walk over to the fountain and jump in! These fountains are also rooted in tradition. One of many is when your friends throw you in on your 21st birthday!


17. Flying High Circus

One of only TWO collegiate circuses in the country, the FSU Flying High Circus provides a unique opportunity to students who love to perform and learn new things! Amateur students (yes amateur! You don’t need to be a circus master!) put on year-round performances and are involved in everything from the stage set-up to the sewing of the costumes. Don’t be shy, come on down and step into the circus ring!

18. The most beautiful campus.

FSU is consistently rated as one of the most beautiful campuses across the country, up there with the Ivies. Our beautiful brick buildings, gorgeous green landscapes, and alluring adornments give FSU an old-fashioned charm amongst the modern bustling of the capitol city. The ancient Spanish oaks liven the ground with nature, and as autumn comes, FSU turns into a red and gold paradise (garnet and gold, rather).


19. FSU is a place of diversity and acceptance.

From the very beginning of orientation to the moment you walk on stage to receive your diploma, FSU is a place that celebrates diversity and accepts you for who you are. FSU recognizes that differences make us stronger, and including everyone of all genders, sexual orientations, races, ethnicities, religions, and more, makes for a strong, unique student body who continually works together to make the world a better place. Every individual has something to share with the world, no matter where they came from.
“It matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be.” –Albus Dumbledore


Strength. Skill. Character. These are the traits that define the Florida State Seminoles. Just as the Seminole Tribe is strong, skillful, and honorable, we Seminoles strive to uphold these values and represent our university with pride. These three words are powerful—Florida State University is an institution that takes pride in powerful tradition and value, and its students have the power to change the world with vires, artes, and mores.


21. We are family!

FSU is truly a family. We have grieved loss together, faced criticism together from the ever jealous UF, and overcome adversity together. We accept each other, treat each other with respect, and will never let our fellow Noles feel worthless. Faculty and staff, students and advisors, members of the community, we all love the Florida State University and we will all fight together to keep her unconquered.

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