20 Tips For KU Freshmen

Hi KU freshmen! Or should I say hatchlings? Let me begin by saying that you have made a choice that is going to change your life for the better. Welcome to the Jayhawk family. I hope you are prepared to endure the fastest, happiest, nine months of your life filled with complete joy and, of course, some tears. I was just a freshman last year, so these tips come fresh from personal experience and I hope you will find them helpful! So, here are twenty tips for all KU freshmen!
1. Crocs are vital.
If you don’t have a pair, which I am assuming you don’t because for some god-forsaken reason Crocs were frowned upon in many high schools across the nation, I recommend you buy some. You won’t go a day on campus without seeing someone sporting their favorite Crocs. Popular colors include, but are not limited to, red, teal with sparkles, camo, lavender, and mustard yellow (these can only be custom ordered online). If you are still reading this, you will know I am totally kidding and please do not wear Crocs…now let’s get to the real stuff.
2. Basketball games are worth attending.
Waking up at 5 a.m. for the lottery, standing in unbearably crowded lines, sitting on the cold floors of AFH for hours on end, squeezing into close quarters in the bleachers, jumping constantly with strangers, screaming at the top of your lungs…these are all worth it. When basketball season finally blesses itself upon you, make sure you have a camping group of at least five people arranged and you are thoroughly familiarized with the rules. Again, it’s worth it.
3. Learn the bus system.
Some students claim that they never take the bus and swear it makes them late to class. However, take it from a very lazy, nap-advocate person that the bus system runs impeccably smooth and it is always (95%) on time. As long as you have the app or the friendly number to text, you will always know what time to be at the bus-stop. This also helps maintain friendships you make in the classroom, because you won’t show up drenched in sweat, smelling like the community bathrooms in Oliver.
4. Don’t buy the unlimited meal plan.
Forgive me that I cannot remember the correct name, “Jayhawk”, “Crimson”, “Premium” ….but whatever it is, you wont use it. I was so enticed by the idea that I could go into the cafeteria an unlimited amount of times to get ice cream, cereal, fruit, etc. However, I quickly realized that the food didn’t quite fit my fancy. I wasn’t even wanting to eat my three meals a day in the cafeteria, let alone an unlimited amount.
5. Use the schedule planner.
No one knows about this, but it is SO SO SO helpful. When picking your classes, it is very hard to make sure they don’t overlap and you will still have free-time. Go into your Enroll & Pay and look for the “Schedule Planner” feature. This little tool will let you pick your desired classed, block any free time, and the provide you with multiple possibilities for your semester. USE IT.
6. @FreeFoodAtKU
Follow them. The name speaks for itself.
7. Be prepared for the weather.
If you’ve lived in Kansas your entire life (like myself) or you are just moving here, there is one thing that is always changing: the weather. There is no way to predict what you should wear, so my advice to you on this is to just be prepared. I suggest layers that can be removed in the classroom or in the very likely chance that the sun will be blistering and your back will be soaked.
8. 8ams are gifts from the devil.
This one is coming from the heart. First semester, I was enticed by the sweet idea of getting my classes done early and having the afternoon free to do whatever I wanted. However, I soon realized that taking an 8 a.m. class was the death of me. It was very hard to wake up in the morning and also go to bed at a decent time. Please take it from me…early birds don’t get the worm…early birds get the F.
9. Map the campus layout.
At first, the layout of campus can be extremely over-whelming. It will seem HUGE and very far apart, but no worries. It will become so easy to navigate around; you could do it in your sleep (which you will if you have an 8 a.m.). I recommend looking at a map online when you have all of your classes, so you can find the fastest route.
10. Take a JavaBreak.
Oh how JB gets me…I’m not talking about Justin Bieber. I am talking about the best coffee shop in Lawrence. With its unique personality written on the walls (literally), it’s the perfect place to get off campus for studying or just getting away. Also, it has a cereal bar so that’s pretty groovy, too. I hope all of you KU freshmen check it out!
11. GroupMe
Download this app now, if you don’t already have it. You will use it for everything. Floor groups, class projects, Greek life, events etc. etc.
12. Napping is important.
I hope you have some cozy pillows because you will need them. Napping will become your favorite hobby after class, before lunch, between workouts, after shopping, during Netflix time and while your roommate is deciding what to wear.
13. Delivery drivers are bae.
Having a ton of options that deliver food right to your door is a great. Especially early in the morning when you are starving but don’t want to wake your roommate. KU freshmen, please remember to always tip the drivers.
This is the long abbreviation for my favorite place on campus. It is the rec center and I highly advise that you take advantage of it. There are so many classes to take, such as cycling, Zumba, yoga etc., open courts, and an unlimited amount of machines.
15. Don’t forget about Jayhawk Café!
Located in the prime location between The Wheel and Bullwinkle’s, the Hawk will be your little slice of college. You can get a lot of social time and a lot of drinks, specialized to your preference, for a very little amount of cash (especially on Wednesdays).
16. Underground
If you ever need a place to people-watch or are craving Chick-Fil-A, this is your place to go. Located in the bottoms of Wescoe Hall, the Underground is a lovely place to take a break, grab a smoothie or catch-up on some homework.
17. Take the stairs…for safety.
The elevator, especially in Fraser, is quite rickety. Although it has never necessarily harmed anyone, it does take a very long time to get from floor to floor. To avoid this hassle and ensure you arrive in timely manner, I recommend taking the stairs in every building.
18. Take a SafeBus.
These drivers are the heroes that don’t wear capes. They are the ones who pick you up late at night and make sure you arrive home safely. SafeBus Yellow is the one you need to find yourself on if you are looking to go east towards Ohio Street and return home to Daisy Hill.
19. Wescoe is a challenge.
Do not be afraid to ask for directions, because you will need it. The building is a maze of different levels, twists and turns. No matter what entrance you take it is very difficult to find the right way to your professor’s office hours.
20. Welcome!
Finally, on behalf of the Jayhawk family I want to welcome all of you KU freshmen. The upcoming year will be unforgettable so make sure you enjoy every minute. You will hear it and say it a million times, so here is mine to you, “Rock Chalk”.
Do you have any more tips for KU freshmen? Tell us what you think and comment below!
Featured images: rockchalktalk.com and

"Hello! My name is Baylee and I am a Jayhawk at the University of Kansas. I have been a sunflower state girl my entire life. Born and raised just down the road in Topeka, I have lived in Kansas since the beginning of my time. Nonetheless, I love to travel. I have been out of the country three times and I try to go to a new city at least once a year. During my travels I love to see the world and experience different cultures and lifestyles. I am currently pursing a degree in strategic communications and sharing my thoughts with you along the way! I hope you enjoy my articles and please contact me with questions or suggestions for future material. xoxo- Baylee ...in case you were curious, I am a cat person because my favorite hobby is napping"