Being an ESU freshman and not really knowing what to do or expect is difficult! However, these tips will help guide you in your first year experience and provide you with useful insight into your first year at ESU!
They know anything there is to know about your major, registration, and future careers. They want nothing more than to help you and guide you on the right path to success.
Even if you aren’t sick or don’t need any help, visit the building and familiarize yourself with where everything is located. CAPS, ATOD, and health services are all located here.
Studying in your room won’t help you in any way. You’ll be distracted by your roommate, your TV, and all the noise from everyone else living on your floor. Stick to the library or the top floor of the Union.
Most professors take attendance and not going to class will bring your grade down significantly. Also, its been proven that if you regularly attend class, pay attention, and take notes, your grades will reflect that.
Join a club, get a job, play a sport, whatever you want to do. Find a way to get involved and make friends so you aren’t stuck in your room alone all the time.
Your professors will communicate with you regularly on both and will post assignments constantly so watch out for anything new.
Be there to take them out a minute before the cycle ends. Leaving them in there is rude and people will have no problem pulling your clothes out the washer and either putting them in the dryer or leaving them out somewhere else.
If you can’t communicate effectively enough, ask your RA to get involved. Don’t let them build up to the point where you end up hating each other.
Some examples would be working at the desk of the library or the front desk at the Rec. Also, try to apply to be an orientation leader for the summer. This will build your confidence and communication skills.
Traditional dorms and suites are more social than the Ridge and you’ll be able to make friends with other people that live on your floor.
No matter what you’re doing, act like an adult. Even if you aren’t working in a career just yet, being professional is so important.
Do you want athlete’s foot? Or any kind of rash or disease on your skin? No? Then use your handy dandy shower shoes.
In fact, your grades will significantly improve after getting a tutor. Head to Rosenkrans when you’re ready to sign up!
You’ll thank yourself down the road when your friends are having to pay for an extra semester because they couldn’t get into a major class.
Please, I can’t stress this enough, don’t post pictures or videos of you drunk or smoking on Facebook, Snapchat, Vine, Insta, any of those social media outlets. All of that can be traced back to you and you don’t want to jeopardize your future over that shot of vodka you just had to take.
You’ll make connections, network with potential employers, and might even be able to secure yourself a summer job.
We have a career development center on campus that can help you create the best resume possible. Anytime you have a job interview, no matter whether it’s McDonalds or Microsoft, always keep a copy of your resume with you and show your future employer that you’re a professional.
When I was a mentor, I wish I had known about mentoring services that we have on campus. I could have used the guidance. Now that I’m mentoring students, I understand the benefits of mentoring so much more and can appreciate them from both perspectives.
Keep track of your tests, assignments, and class schedules with your agenda book.
You’ll distract yourself by going on Facebook, reading emails, and playing games, when you really need to focus on what your professor is talking about. I’m guilty of this myself! I take my laptop to class with the intention of taking notes and really I just check Facebook and read articles on Society19.
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