20 Things No One Tells You About Purdue Freshman Year

Congratulations! You’re officially a Boilermaker! By now, you’ve probably already registered or gone to STAR. I bet you are bubbling with anticipation about entering this new chapter in your life that is college. Purdue is an awesome university; students rep their colors Old Gold and Black and are so proud of the school’s many traditions. Now there are tons of tips online about what to do when you first go to college, but most of them just repeat the same information. This guide is different – it’s written with future Boilmakers in mind! So sit back and enjoy what your future has in store!
1. Go to BGR/BGRi.
BGR, or Boiler Gold Rush, is basically Freshman 101 that will help you get nice and adjusted to the Purdue lifestyle. This event is jam-packed with excitement and activities all about Purdue. I’d say more, but that would probably spoil the surprises that BGR has in store! If you are coming from somewhere not in the United States, make sure you go to BGRi instead for international students. This is something that you are not going to want to miss!
2. Pack light.
College is not the same thing as moving at of your parents house. You don’t need to pack all twenty pairs of shoes or get a U-Haul to bring all of your things. The dorms are fairly small and chances are that you’re not going to use most of the things you bring. You won’t want unopened boxes under your bed full of things you didn’t use or don’t have space for.
*For people coming from out-of-state: one thing to keep in mind is that you’re probably going to need storage if you’re flying back at the end of the year. Just keep that in mind for the spring.
3. Create a Boilermaker bucket list.
From fountain runs to sledding on Slayter hill, Purdue has several bucket list essentials that all students should do. Just get a group of friends together and complete that bucket list. The best thing about the bucket list is that it doesn’t have to be done before school starts or even in your first year. You can check them off whenever you want!
4. Don’t go under the Bell Tower.
Don’t do it if you want to graduate. I mean you can if you’re feeling very daring maybe…but I don’t recommend it.
5. Go on a fountain run.
It’s a right of passage to being a Boilermaker and just pure fun for those hot summers!
6. Schedule classes wisely.
Make sure you have breaks between classes to eat or chill around campus before your next class. No one wants five classes in a row with no breaks; that’s just torture and you’ll end up hungry during your third class. If you can’t fix your schedule to your liking, make sure you grab a snack from On-The-Go if you have a meal plan. It’ll hold you over and prevent the inevitable hunger anger…
7. Don’t buy all your books before the first day of classes.
This tip is one that you’ll have to determine for yourself. Most of the time, professors will have a list of books that are needed for the semester. However, that doesn’t mean that you are going to need them and sometimes you might end up with an unused book or two at the end of the semester. You’ll probably will be fuming because you spent so much money on it just for it to collect dust. Make sure the professor says, or emails, that you need the book before purchasing it. Even if you do end up with a useless book, there are book buybacks at the end of the semester where you can trade your book for some moolah. Just make sure that the book wasn’t originally in shrink-wrap or they won’t take it from you.
8. Go to on-campus events.
Tons of events happen at Purdue everyday. Just look around for those flyers on campus. Most events are hosted by the Purdue Student Union Board (PSUB) and are free! There are also TED Events, special guest speakers, concerts, and many more events that go on around campus. Just follow @PSUBEVENTS and @Convocations on twitter to get the scoop on the latest event information.
Click here for more on PSUB Events.
Click here for more on Purdue Convocations.
9. Join PASE.
PASE is an Alumni Association that integrates previous Alumni with current students. By joining PASE, you get the chance to network with people that were previous students at Purdue as well as get special discounts and offers within the association. They also have events throughout the semester and special insider information about Purdue!
10. Get the ‘Hooked’ app.
This app is a lifesaver for when you want food but don’t want to break the bank. Sometimes this app even has notifications where you can get free food! But act fast when they come up because the offers don’t last long and the food can go quickly.
11. Go to the Den.
Don’t feel like spending $1+ on a small soda? Fear no more, the Discount Den is here! The Den has a variety of fountain drinks that you can mix and match to make your own fizzy combo for just 56 cents! The store also has Purdue gear and some other knick-knacks.
12. Participate in research.
Purdue is one of the most heavily funded universities for research. One of the best parts about being a research school is that students that voluntarily participate can receive compensation for testing out experiments. I personally have received over $100 for research participation, which is pretty nice for being a broke college student.
13. Walk around campus with friends over the weekend.
There is always something to do on campus over the weekend. If you are feeling particularly bored and don’t feel like doing homework, just grab a couple of friends and explore! The most spontaneous nights often end up being the most memorable.
14. Ride the Boilermaker Special.
The Boilermaker Special is THE ride to go on; however, it can be a little difficult to get on due to popularity and Free Friday rides. Even if you don’t get a chance to ride on the Special, make sure to get a picture with it!
15. Go to a game.
This is self-explanatory. And when you go, make sure to sit in the student section for more fun! If you’re a die-hard Purdue sports fan, don’t miss out on the Boarding Pass! Boiler Up!
16. Join a club that you’re curious about.
There are over 900 clubs and organizations on campus, so there has to be at least one that you’re interested in or even curious about. From the 3D Printing Club to Quidditch, you are sure to find your fit at Purdue. Even if you don’t see a club that you’d want to join, consider joining a club for your major; you can meet new friends that have the same interests as you. You can also go to a club call-out for free pizza!
Click here for the Club/Organization Directory.
17. Invest in weather-proof clothing.
If you’re like me, coming from Florida to Indiana is a huge switch in terms of weather and clothing. It starts to get cold around late September and doesn’t stop until March – and that’s just a rough estimate. Make sure to buy quality clothing and accessories that are rain resistant and snow boots if you don’t already have some. Definitely invest in an umbrella, thick sweater and rain boots before you come to Purdue and buy a winter coat during Black Friday sales. It gets pretty cold, windy, and slippery up there if you’ve never experienced snow before.
18. Remember to de-stress.
College may seem like all play and no work, but it’s very much the opposite. Purdue has very rigorous courses that can become overwhelming at times. Just take some time to breathe, because your well-being is way more important than the assignments that are due. You can even call your parents if you’re feeling overwhelmed; they probably miss you more than you miss them.
19. Take pictures.
As simple as it may sound, this is probably the most important tip I would’ve wanted to know when I first went to Purdue. All around campus there are monumental statues of people like John Purdue, Neil Armstrong, and Amelia Earhart. There is always so much happening around campus and so many memories to be made with friends. Just remember to snap a pic or two to remember them.
20. Take advantage…
This applies to everything. If you’re interested in something but not sure what could happen, try it out anyway! It’s the best way to make memories whether good or bad. There are so many opportunities on campus that can give you so much experience. From career readiness to classes at the Co-Rec to the various events that fill up your Purdue email, there are tons of opportunities; take advantage of them!
Boiler Up and Hail Purdue!
Have any other tips for freshmen at Purdue? Comment below and share this article with friends!
Featured image sources: flickr.com, en.wikipedia.org
Major: Virtual Product Integration Overthinker Nickname: Nique Iconic Quirky Unique Explorer