There comes a time in a college student’s life when checking their bank balance is scarier than that upcoming final. Although credit cards may be the go-to, student ID’s are the card that will save you some stress and a lot of extra cash. Here are 20 places that offer discounts around campus for students at Southern Methodist University. (If you have champagne taste on a beer budget, keep reading!)
Offers 10% off with a student ID.
Offers a free small drink with a student ID.
Get 10% off with a student ID.
Offers a student discount. Ask!
Offers a student discount. Ask!
Offers a student discount. Ask!
Offers a student discount. Ask!
Offers a 5% cashback discount to students with an Ulta card.
Offers a 10% discount with student ID.
Offers a 15% discount with student ID.
Offers a 15% discount with student ID.
Offers a 15% discount with student ID.
Offers a student discount, and the first week is free!
This is free for students, and very affordable for community members. All schools vary, but most rec centers are free to students.
Offers a discounted membership to students.
Offers up to $200 off of a new Mac computer to new students.
Offers discounts to students that differ depending on the product.
Offers 50% off of prime for students after their free trial.
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