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20 Signs That You Go To USC

Growing up a Southern California native, I’m used to the endless summers and the glitz and glam of Hollywood. That being said, students who find themselves attending the University of Southern California right in the heart of Los Angeles, can’t help but embrace the enviable California lifestyle! From taking advantage of the weather, to exploring the iconic gems of the city, USC students are a breed of their own. Come for a visit, and you’ll see what I mean…(but just warning you, you may want to transfer here)! Here are 20 signs that you go to USC!

1. You forget what “weather” is.

Before coming to USC, specifically if you came from out of state, or even Northern California, “weather” meant four changing seasons. You know, with that thing called rain and those garments called jackets. Yeah…those still exist just about EVERYWHERE else!

2. You never take off your sunglasses.

Not to be dramatic, but they are as vital as your house keys, and shorts and tanks  and will do the job 99% of the time.

3. At least one of your friends lives in a luxury apartment.

…if you don’t yourself! Maybe all that sunshine got to your head, but somewhere along the way your idea of the “college experience” got skewed after tanning at Lorenzo’s pool deck after class or when working out at its multi-storied gym.

4. FIGHT ON!! Fight on…oh wait, FIGHT ON!

Fight On is your squad anthem of sorts, aside from the victory song. You feel instantly connected to any person who says those words while throwing up the Victory-V.

5. You hate UCLA with a burning passion.

“Don’t Bruin your life” is just one of the many sayings you are prepared to whip out in the case of coming in contact with a bruin or bruin fan. That school…is it a school or is it a cult? You don’t really care.

6. Cardinal and gold are basically your favorite colors.

No, it’s not red. It’s cardinal. And yes, you plan on theming every post-graduate celebration (bbq, birthday, wedding possibly…) with that match made in heaven.


7. You have two families.

The Trojan family, aka your family for life, and your blood-family…who are cool too, you suppose.

8. You Victory-V all the Time.

First off, no, it is definitely not a peace sign and second: just scroll through your camera roll from last semester. Nope. You never missed an opportunity.

9. You are a football fan.

Maybe you didn’t go to a single football game in high school, but come game-day now? Head to toe cardinal and gold, a little face paint, kicking lampposts, the whole nine yards…! For this fall’s football schedule, click here.


10. You have a “row” story.

Party person or not, you have at least one semi-unbelievable tale that you or your friend barely lived to tell. Lets just say, it was a good time.

11. On that note, just the word “row” alone will forever trigger an image of Greek letters.

And lets be honest, twenty years down the line, it still will.

12. You are on your way to a Masters Degree in #WorkHardPlayHard.

OK, so there’s a concert at the Shrine on Thursday night and you have a 9 A.M. presentation on Friday morning. You will go to the concert and you will ace that presentation. You just will.

See Also

13. Every encounter is an opportunity to network.

Random guy in front of you at Starbucks? Heck, you should probably snag his number. Who knows what company he’ll start one day.

14. That being said, LinkedIn changed your life.

*Ding* that guy from Starbucks just added you to his network.

15. Therefore, your alumni network is unbelievably successful.

That textbook you just bought? Your professor wrote it.

16. You’re activity-spoiled.

No Friday plans? Well you could always go to the beach, go to the Art District, head over to Santa Monica, catch a last minute concert, go to Disneyland…just to throw out a few ideas.

17. You have thought about starting your own company.

No matter what your major, the entrepreneurial spirit is contagious. Not to mention your alumni network that would be happy to give a fellow Trojan some pointers.

18. You’re unfazed by extremes.

One moment you are speed walking from your apartment through the literal “hood” to get to campus, the next your peacefully strolling through a movie-esque campus sprinkled with stunning rose gardens.

19. You’re also unfazed by movie sets.

Ok, so you still get excited when you see the cameras and tape, but you have to get to class and can just check it out tomorrow.

20. You love your school.

It’s a different kind of love that you thought was impossible for an academic institution. You have attempted to accurately explain the extent of “that love” to non-Trojans, who usually respond with “I love my school too.” No, you don’t understand. I LOVE MY SCHOOL.

What are a few things that stand out to you at USC? Comment below and share the article!
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Noelle Thomas

Noelle is a SoCal girl, born and raised, currently attending the University of Southern California, majoring in Psychology with a minor in Nutrition and Health Promotion. When she's not writing, she's gym-ing, and when she's not gym-ing, she's Insta-blogging---A self-proclaimed health nut and coffee connoisseur, she's always seeking a new way to promote a positive, balanced lifestyle.

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