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20 Signs You Go To UConn

20 Signs You Go To UConn

20 Signs You Go To UConn

There are so many signs you go to UConn! From the school wide love for huskies, to the amazing support for our talented women’s basketball team. I’m so proud to be a UConn Husky! Keep reading for 20 signs you go to UConn.

1. You have a drawer full of UConn shirts.

On your first day of freshman year they start you off with your ice cream social shirt, and it goes on for the next 4 years. Almost every big weekend or event on campus will have a free shirt you can get. Between these and the UConn gear you’ve bought you can probably go 2-3 weeks straight before you would need another shirt.

2. You also have a shit ton of free stuff.

Every week at late night I gain one free thing or another. I currently have a cactus, bamboo, a canvas painting, pictures, magnets, key chains, and lot of other small knick-knacks. I have more stress balls and pens than I know what to do with them, and I’m purging my free stuff all the time.


3. You have a profound love for huskies.

Since starting my undergrad career at UConn I see the husky face every day in one way or another. Of course a husky is going to be my ideal pet for the future.

4. It’s normal to eat ice cream during a snowstorm.

When UCONN is known for their homemade ice cream, no time is a bad time to eat ice cream. They also strategically place ice cream in each dining hall just to tempt you to enjoy it more. I, for one, have no problem with this. I also have no problem standing in the snow in the winter for One Ton Sundae.

5. You can wear three layers and t shirts in the same week.

The weather up in Storrs is extremely unpredictable. During the fall thus far I have worn a t-shirt one day and a sweatshirt and hat another. The wind is the deciding factor most of the time.



6. You anticipate rain on Tuesdays.

For some reason it always seems to rain on Tuesdays at UConn more than any other day, Ask anyone.

7. You are willing to be late to class to pet the Jonathans.

This is a true story that I have heard countless times from friends. They saw our favorite mascots on Fairfield Way and had to stop and pet them.. Who cares if you’re late to a class if you can pet our favorite dogs?


8. You own multiple umbrellas at any point during the year.

UConn wind is too strong for most umbrellas. I have never gone through a rainy day where I didn’t see an umbrella flip inside out or just break. Be prepared. I have lost many a Victoria Secret umbrella from this wind.

9. You get way too excited about basketball season.

When you live in the basketball capital of the world it’s hard not to feel the hype once the season starts. No one enjoys national championships like Huskies.

10. No other school supports women’s basketball as much as you do.

Unless you go to a school where the women’s team is good you never hear about them, and not many people go. This is not the case at UConn.


11. You look forward to pet therapy in Babbidge during finals.

Every day during finals they bring multiple dogs to the library for you to pet and relax with. Definitely eases your anxiety and gives you that much needed study break.

12. You laugh at other schools who claim to have the most school pride and spirit.

The reason I chose UConn is that it had more school pride than any other school I applied to. Also, when you tell people you go to Connecticut’s flagship school, they are so impressed that it makes me smile.

13. You swipe into the dining hall 3-4 times a day just because you can.

One of the perks of dining services is that we get unlimited swipes into any of the dining halls. I’ll swipe in just to sit and talk with a friend, get ice cream, or fill up my water bottle.


14. You’ve gotten a sober ride from a fellow husky.

Our community likes to help everyone else, so there are countless students each weekend that will charge $2 a head to drive people back to their rooms. It helps promote safety and students make new friends.

15. You avoid the Busby Hill at all costs.

Everyone I know that lives in Busby or Charter Oak will not come back to class mid-day. The hill is a workout in itself, and I applaud those that have to take this trek every day.


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16. You see at least 5 people in each class wearing UConn gear.

If you don’t wear a piece of UConn gear at least once a week do you really go to UConn?

17. You have participated in either HuskyTHON or oozeball.

Two of the biggest annual events at UConn include our 18-hour dance marathon (that is at its 20th year) and the biggest event during spring weekend. Don’t go your whole 4 years without being a part of either of these!



18. You own at least one UConn lanyard.

Another item you will acquire from involvement fairs and SUBOG events, as well as the one you get at orientation.

19. You also own a Camelbak water bottle.

If you look in any backpack on campus, you will see a Camelbak sticking out of the pocket of each bag. Most will even say UConn on them. You’re not a husky if you don’t own a Camelbak.

20. You base some of your events off the bucket list of 81 activities.

This list is “81 things to do before you graduate” (b/c UCONN was established in 1881). It includes things from One Ton Sundae to singing Late Night Karaoke. Handed out by SAA it is definitely fun to get some of these fun before graduation day!

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