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20 Signs You Go To Appalachian State University

20 Signs You Go To Appalachian State University

20 Signs You Go To Appalachian State University

Whether you are a current student, a freshman, or an alum, you will definitely be able to relate to certain signs you attend or attended your school. Everyone loves them because everyone can relate! Keep reading for 20 signs you go to Appalachian State University!

1. You are somewhat mentally prepared for the winter weather.

The temperature here WILL fall to the negatives and snow totals will far surpass the 2” norm of North Carolina, but don’t expect snow days. The best you can do is sip that fourth cup of coffee, bundle up, and enjoy the snow. Note: Rolling your eyes at other schools who complain of anything above freezing is completely acceptable



2. You own a pair of Chacos.

Even if you don’t own a pair of Chacos, it is easy to see how popular they are. Just count the number of Chacos on the way to class, odds are the number will be above 10.




3. You also own a pair of Bean Boots.

On days it is below freezing or snowing, you wear Bean Boots. So, potentially you only need to own two pairs of shoes.


4. You’ve taken the Rough Ridge Pic.

Nothing says ‘I go to Appalachian State University’ like the cliche Rough Ridge picture.


5. You are well aware the third floor of the library is not really a quiet room.

This floor is supposed to be the silent floor but you will soon find out that somebody will always blatantly ignore the rule. All you can do is hope that phone conversation doesn’t last your entire study session.



6. Along the same lines, you know the struggle of library seating.

Library seating can be tricky during the semester, but it is especially challenging during exam week. You would be better off studying outside, in your dorm, or in the Student Union.

7. You will always have a love/hate relationship with the Appalcart.

The Appalcart will either be your best friend or your worst enemy. But you can always count on the State Farm bus to be at least 10 minutes late… or early.



8. You carry an umbrella at all times.

Boone has unpredictable weather. It can be sunny one minute and rain the next. Invest in a sturdy umbrella, because the wind can destroy one in an instant.


9. Everyone has Enos.

On sunny days, chances are you’ll pass numerous brightly colored Enos on your way to class. If you haven’t purchased an Eno, you’re missing out- they’re great for procrastinating that paper that’s due in less than 24 hours.

10. Slack lines are common as well.

Just like with the Enos, the slack liners will always be found between the trees in front of Anne Belk on sunny days. If you’re fearless and don’t mind a few scratches or a bruise, try it one day, you may be a new addition to the slack line crew.

11. The Rock is the best.

Nothing is more exciting than going to your first home football game as an Appalachian student. There is no better place to be than The Rock on game days.



12. Campus Parking is non-existent.

Like seating in the library, parking spots are hard to come by on campus. If you are one of the lucky ones who gets a parking spot, make sure you pay attention to the signs that state the times you are allowed to park there, because nobody wants to get towed.

13. BooneTakeout is always clutch.

BooneTakeout is great for the days you can’t stomach one more Cookout tray, a sandwich at Mcalisters, or dining hall food.



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14. You also know the joys of Appalachia Cookie Co.

Appalachia Cookie Co. is great for those late nights of studying or other extra curricular activities that you may take part in. What’s better than having cookies delivered to your dorm?

15. You know the warmest routes to classes in the winter.

The winters can be brutal and taking a shortcut through the Student Union is completely acceptable.

16. You can always count on Safe Ride.

When the AppalCart isn’t running, Safe Ride is. Although it claims to be a safer alternative, it can arrive late sometimes so always be prepared.


17. Waiting in Mcalister’s line.

Nine times out of ten, you will have to wait in the incredibly long line for Mcalisters, but it is completely worth it for the macaroni and cheese.

18. Rubbing the Bell before an exam is never a bad idea.

It is believed that if you rub the bell outside of Anne Belk Hall, you will pass your exams, but you may be better off studying that extra hour.




19. You know the correct pronunciation of “Appalachian”.

After attending App for a while, nothing will irk you more than hearing someone mispronounce the school’s name, and nothing will prompt you quicker to correct said someone.



20. You know what it’s like to go to one of the most beautiful campuses on the planet.

As cliche as it may sound, Appalachian State University is the place to be. The campus is beautiful, you are a short distance from incredible views and hikes on the Blue Ridge Parkway, and nothing makes you feel more at home than the Appalachian family.



What are some other signs you can think of that show you go to Appalachian State University? Comment below and share this article with current and past students!
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