20 Reasons Johnson and Wales Charlotte Is The Best School On Earth

If you are currently attending Johnson and Wales Charlotte, or have already graduated, you probably already know why it is the best school on earth. But if you need a reminder, here are 20 reasons why!
1. We welcome diversity.
Johnson & Wales is known for being completely diverse. We accept people from all around the world. It doesn’t matter where you are from or what you look like, everyone is accepted by the school and the students. Johnson and Wales Charlotte celebrates being different.
2. We are a part of a wonderful community.
Our school isn’t just a school. It’s a community. Everyone is always smiling and saying hello to everyone. If you don’t know someone, you talk to them for a minute. It’s always nice to see the smiling faces.
3. You are sure to meet great people at Johnson and Wales Charlotte.
We have many great people that work and go to school at Johnson & Wales. The staff is just amazing and they are always greeting everyone with the same enthusiasm and kindness. Students are really nice as well. Most of the students will tell you that they love going to Johnson & Wales.
4. We have astounding chefs and professors.
Our professors and chefs are just incredible. We have some of the best chefs. Every single one of the chefs are so passionate about what they do. The professors and chefs are always ready to share their knowledge with their students. They are also willing to work with you if you need help outside of class.
5. There are many community service options.
Johnson and Wales Charlotte tries their best to help out the community they live in. Clubs and organizations greatly work with the community and the community works with the school in return. We even have days where we just do community service.
6. You will make life-long friends.
You always make friends in college. I met my now best friend at my orientation. We are always hanging out. You meet friends that you can continue to be friends with for the rest of your life. People are always meeting new people and new friends in their classes and jobs.
7. Working at Johnson and Wales Charlotte is actually FUN!
I work at my school with fellow students and to say that these are the best people I’ve ever worked with would be an understatement. I love the people that I work with. They are incredible people and are so selfless. It is so much fun working with them and then getting to hang out with them also.
8. The professors and staff are always willing to help out.
The staff here are just incredible. When you come to JWU, you will find out just how willing they are to help you. When you call about problems, they will always find a solution. Their job is to help you as much as they can. They are willing to do everything in their power to help you out.
9. Orientation is so much fun!
You stay in the dorms on campus while you are at orientation to get a feel of what it’s like. Then you get to meet all the Orientation Leaders, who are very energetic people and who just love the school. They get to take you out one night for bowling and pizza or whatever they decide to do for that year. Orientation can’t be more fun!
10. The school location is perfect.
The location of the school is perfect. We are directly in the middle of Uptown Charlotte. How can it get better than that? If you walk down the street a little bit, there is a movie theater, bowling alley, gyms, tons of restaurants, and more. You can’t ever say that there isn’t anything to do!
11. There is always something to do.
Like I said before, you can’t say there isn’t anything to do. If you don’t have money to go out, check the school calendar. Organizations and clubs are always having movie nights, coffee houses, or other events. We also have a gym in the student center that is free to students. Never say there’s nothing to do at Johnson & Wales Charlotte!
12. The upperclassmen are there to help out.
You will find that Upperclassmen are always willing to help out. They are there to point you to a classroom or different buildings that you might need to go to. They are also there to help if you are having trouble learning things in the school. If you ever need help and you don’t want to go to a staff member, just ask an upperclassman.
13. Our campus is extremely safe and secure.
I asked my mom one reason that she loves Johnson & Wales Charlotte. She told me that she likes how safe and secure the campus is. If you try to get in the dorms, you have to have an ID to be able to get in. You can’t even have a guest unless you give a state ID and the guest gives their state ID. Also if you ever need an escort, call Safety and Security. They will walk you to and from classes if it’s really late or they will walk with you to your car.
14. Once you are accepted, you will always be a part of it.
You will forever be a part of JWU once you are accepted. They will tell you that you represent them when you graduate and you do. If you ever need anything you can always call alumni and they will even help you find jobs in the field of your study.
15. You will make great connections.
This school has amazing connections. If you need a recommendation to somewhere or you need help in finding a job for whatever reason, call a previous teacher or anyone that you may have worked with. They will always be willing to help you out if they know that you are a hard worker.
16. You get to become a Wildcat.
Who doesn’t want to be a Wildcat?! I, for one, was very excited when I found out I would be a wildcat. I mean, when I was younger my favorite movie was High School Musical. I wanted to be a wildcat so bad! Now I get to!
17. We are way more than just a culinary school.
We have way more than just Culinary and Baking majors. Our school was originally started by two women as a Business school because women in 1914, (when the school was started,) were not allowed to go to other business schools. So they decided to start one on their own! When you come to Johnson & Wales Charlotte, you will find many different majors, from Business to Sports Management, even Fashion!
18. Many people know the name Johnson & Wales.
Many people know the name Johnson & Wales. I have met a lot of people that have heard that name and when you tell them you go there they have a ton of questions for you. It’s never a dull moment to be a part of this school!
19. You always feel welcome.
You are always welcome when you come to JWU! Everyone is always so nice to you whether you are a former student, possible student, or even just a guest. You won’t meet very many people at JWU that are mean or rude to you.
20. Johnson & Wales is just the BEST!
JWU just couldn’t be better. This school is the school that I cried about when I got in. You won’t have any dull moments around the school and you will meet and make friends that will last a life time. This school is built around making everyone that comes to it feel comfortable and happy.
…So, why don’t you come out and visit and see for yourself, just how great Johnson & Wales Charlotte really is!