20 Reasons ASU Is The Greatest School On Earth

There’s no doubt that if you go here, you know ASU is the greatest school on Earth. If you’re skeptical, here are 20 reasons why we’re the best.
1. We are the Sun Devils, which is neither confusing nor derogatory.
2. ALL sports tickets are free if you’re a student.
3. Free concerts, t-shirts (on weekly basically), water bottles, condoms – the list goes on.
4. We have beautiful dorms.
Community showers don’t exist at ASU…thank goodness.
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5. Tempe is a cute city (the other campuses are charming also).
6. ASU Tempe campus is the largest campus in the United States.
So you are constantly meeting new people! It feels like a close Sun Devil family even with its massive size.
7. Football Inferno tickets are a huge deal.
And memorizing the chants is also a huge deal.
8. Tempe’s campus gym is new and amazing.
It has every machine you could imagine, multiple floors with a track around the top overlooking the basketball courts, two huge lap pools, and a leisure pool!
9. We have amazingly impressive faculty.
Like Mars Rover engineers from NASA and Michael Phelps, who is the assistant swim coach. Can you get any better?
10. Hayden.
An underground library open 24 hours with a beautiful courtyard on top of it!
11. ASU is partnered with Starbucks.
12. There is a major for everyone.
And the nicest faculty and advisors to help you find your path.
13. Maroon is super popular right now and gold is always in fashion.
BEST school colors ever!
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14. The location is great.
Tempe, AZ is the only place I know where I can have non-frizzy hair and no bugs all year! Flowers are always in bloom and it is always a good day to ride your Harley!
15. You can swim all year round (as long as the pool is heated) and ski in the same state.
16. The Grand Canyon is a couple hour drive for some of the most well preserved rocks and canyon in the world.
Not to mention the sheer beauty, hiking, camping, and white water rafting that it offers.
17. Sorority and fraternity life on campus is huge if you like it and barely there if you don’t.
The Greek life members are always busy and constantly giving back to the community. I am not in a sorority and I have many friends who aren’t either; it’s easy to ignore if you want to.
18. ASU is ranked the #1 Most Innovative School in the country.
Beating MIT and Yale!
19. ASU is one of the Top 100 Universities in the country.
And is the only one from AZ to be on that list!
20. ASU is the school of opportunities, friendship, and achievement.
If you believe it, you can achieve it; and that is what ASU encourages and teaches its students to do! I am proud to be a Sun Devil. Go Devils!
Featured image source: gamedayr.com, Matt Kartozian-USA TODAY Sports
A Junior at Arizona State University Tempe Campus Pursuing a degree in Geological Sciences. She loves to hike, paint, and explore new places.